I-65, Illinois moon. A voice in my ear saying, "you're the fool". No-it's all in your mind... Well, I'm not moving forward tonight... I'm falling behind. Snow on the cornfields, Silver and blue. It's probably raining On her house, too. I know she won't wait, I know I know,I know-
Hollywood the second time, Hollywood the second time.
West lane is choked, Time moving slow, arm hurting bad. Don't say where you're going 'cause they won't understand... Move your own way through. It's got my heart cold. I was walkin', Walkin' in the rain...
Hollywood the second time, Hollywood the second time.
Thanks for the ride, Thanks for the loan. It was windy in Reno, He was walking alone. There's a chill in his eyes, And he asked himself When the bus came, Would he be all right? How long will it take? How long will it take 'til the valley rolls by And he's home...
Hollywood the second time, Hollywood the second time.