There’s a big cry With my name on it And it’s coming my way ‘Cause I lost my Queen today
You know lately I find When I look upon it My travels unravel Like they’re up there on a screen
My life is like a movie And I’m starring in it But I’m not sure if I am the hero or the fool My life is like a movie Changes every minute And I don’t know the ending But I’m in every scene
From the opening shot It’s been Technicolor Love and high adventure Murder and mystery G rated to X Treasures lost and found It’s like what’s real is on some reel Spinning round and round and round
I never know what I will see A tragedy, a drama, or a comedy Oh, as it’s happening to me The only thing for certain is I don’t know what’s to be
Yeah, the Queen is gone But the Lost Prince has returned Her goodbye was sweeter ‘Cause she saw his face Now the film rolls on Close up on me Staring out an open window At the open sea