- 1
Trout Fishing In America - Nobody
- 2
Trout Fishing In America - Fill It Up
- 3
Trout Fishing In America - Snow Is Falling
- 4
Trout Fishing In America - 11 Easy Steps
- 5
Trout Fishing In America - 18 Wheels On A Big Rig
- 6
Trout Fishing In America - Alberta Postcard
- 7
Trout Fishing In America - Alien In My Nose
- 8
Trout Fishing In America - Baby's Got The Car Keys
- 9
Trout Fishing In America - Back When I Could Fly
- 10
Trout Fishing In America - Beans And Weenies
- 11
Trout Fishing In America - Big Round World
- 12
Trout Fishing In America - Big Trouble
- 13
Trout Fishing In America - Bob And Bob
- 14
Trout Fishing In America - Boiled Okra And Spinach
- 15
Trout Fishing In America - Breakfast Blues
- 16
Trout Fishing In America - Carry Me
- 17
Trout Fishing In America - Chicken Joe
- 18
Trout Fishing In America - Chocolate Christmas
- 19
Trout Fishing In America - Count On Me
- 20
Trout Fishing In America - Cracked Up
- 21
Trout Fishing In America - Day Care Blues
- 22
Trout Fishing In America - Dragons In The Sky
- 23
Trout Fishing In America - Dreaming
- 24
Trout Fishing In America - Eleven Easy Steps
- 25
Trout Fishing In America - Hall Of A Jundred Doors
- 26
Trout Fishing In America - Hard Ball
- 27
Trout Fishing In America - Hi Ho
- 28
Trout Fishing In America - How Many Times A Fool
- 29
Trout Fishing In America - I Can Dance
- 30
Trout Fishing In America - I Got a Cheese
- 31
Trout Fishing In America - I Think I'll Need a Bandaid
- 32
Trout Fishing In America - Just A Little While
- 33
Trout Fishing In America - La La Land
- 34
Trout Fishing In America - Lori´s Song
- 35
Trout Fishing In America - Lost In Her Lips
- 36
Trout Fishing In America - Lucky Guy
- 37
Trout Fishing In America - Lullaby
- 38
Trout Fishing In America - Mandaddy
- 39
Trout Fishing In America - Mine!
- 40
Trout Fishing In America - Murrell's
- 41
Trout Fishing In America - My Best Day
- 42
Trout Fishing In America - My Birthday Comes On Christmas
- 43
Trout Fishing In America - My First Christmas
- 44
Trout Fishing In America - My Front Door
- 45
Trout Fishing In America - My Hair Had a Party Last Night
- 46
Trout Fishing In America - My Pants Fell Down
- 47
Trout Fishing In America - My World
- 48
Trout Fishing In America - Never Look Down
- 49
Trout Fishing In America - No Matter What Goes Right
- 50
Trout Fishing In America - Nothing Tonight
- 51
Trout Fishing In America - Park Avenue And Tyson Street
- 52
Trout Fishing In America - Pico De Gallo
- 53
Trout Fishing In America - Pretty Mary
- 54
Trout Fishing In America - Prom Night In Pig Town
- 55
Trout Fishing In America - Sailing
- 56
Trout Fishing In America - Sam´s Last Boogie
- 57
Trout Fishing In America - Santa Brought Me Clothes
- 58
Trout Fishing In America - Science Air
- 59
Trout Fishing In America - Serious About You
- 60
Trout Fishing In America - Simon Says
- 61
Trout Fishing In America - Sing It One More Time Like That
- 62
Trout Fishing In America - Six
- 63
Trout Fishing In America - Sleepytime Cartoon
- 64
Trout Fishing In America - Snow Day
- 65
Trout Fishing In America - Something Sweet
- 66
Trout Fishing In America - Soon The Night
- 67
Trout Fishing In America - Spider´s Fence
- 68
Trout Fishing In America - Story Time
- 69
Trout Fishing In America - Swimming Pool
- 70
Trout Fishing In America - Teddy Bear´s Picnic
- 71
Trout Fishing In America - The Cat Came Back
- 72
Trout Fishing In America - The Christmas Letter
- 73
Trout Fishing In America - The Day The Bass Player Took Over The World
- 74
Trout Fishing In America - The Eleven Cats Of Christmas
- 75
Trout Fishing In America - The Windows
- 76
Trout Fishing In America - There´s A Panther In Michigan
- 77
Trout Fishing In America - These Are Good Times
- 78
Trout Fishing In America - Tongue Tied
- 79
Trout Fishing In America - Trouble Let Me Rest In Peace
- 80
Trout Fishing In America - We Are The Dinosaurs
- 81
Trout Fishing In America - What I Want Is a Proper Cup Of Coffee
- 82
Trout Fishing In America - Who Are These People
- 83
Trout Fishing In America - Who Knows What We Might Do?
- 84
Trout Fishing In America - Why I Pack My Lunch
- 85
Trout Fishing In America - You Can´t Get There From Here
- 86
Trout Fishing In America - You Gotta Get Up
The Windows
Trout Fishing In America
and there're lots of bands these days
giving requests for a nursery rhyme polka,
but we're the only band that i know who does one.
This is a song called The Window, and the
way this works is this: Keith is gonna sing a
nursery rhyme, then I'm gonna sing a nursery
rhyme, and then we'll take requests from the audience."
"Ezra, there is no audience-"
"So pretend."
Geogie Porgie, pudding and pie,
kissed the girls and made 'em cry.
When the boys came out to play, they
threw him out the window, the window,
they threw him out the window! When the
boys came out to play, they threw them out
the window!
"Your turn."
Humpty-Dumty sat on a wall,
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall,
all the kings horses, and all the kings men,
they threw him out the window, the window,
they threw him out the window!All the king's
horses and all the kings men, they threw him out
the window!
Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet,
eating her curds and whey,
along came a spider who sat down beside her,
she threw it out the window, the window,
she threw it out the window, Along came a spider,
it sat down beside her, and she threw it out the window!
"Peter, Peter!"
Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater,
had a wife and couldnt feed her,
Put her in a pumpkin shell
and threw her out the window, the window
he threw her out the window, Put her in a
pumpkin shell, and threw her out the window!
"Let's try mary had a little lamb."
mary had a little lamb, little lamb
little lamb, Mary had a little lamb,
she threw it out the window, the window,
she threw it out the window, mary had
a little lamb, she threw it out the window!
"Wanna do your favorite?"
Old Mother Hubbard, she went to her cupboard,
to get her poor doggy a bone,
but, when she bent over, the doggy took over,
and threw her out the window, the window,
he threw her out the window, When she bent over,
the doggy took over, and threw her out the window.
"It's storytime!"
Hey there, Little Red Ridiing Hood,
you sure are lookin good,
You've done evrything a big bad woof could,
throw him out the window, the window,
throw him out the window, You've done evrything
a big bad woof could throw him out the window!
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
we're gonna attempt something extremly difficult.
We are going to sing 2 nursery rhymes at the same
time-- acapella, forcing you to use both halves of your
brain at the same time-- acapella. Im going to be singing
rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub, and Keith is gonna
be sing--"
"There was an old woman who lived in the shoe."
"Ezra, can you count it off?"
"one, two, three.."
"Ezra can you count it off with enthusiasum,please?"