Come on my baby, Don't say a word- Everybody knows it, Everybody heard. You're giving it up to me, Just like I knew you would. Now you will never know- What was never good. And I feel it coming down-
'Cause I feel it now- Lighting me up again. Yeah I feel it now- Out of myself again. And I feel it now, I'm on my way- And it's taking me back again.
So come on give me sweetness, Lay it on slow- You don't have to wonder Where it's gonna go. You're giving it up to me, Just like I knew you would. But it will never go- The way that I thought it should. And I feel it coming down-
Yeah I feel it now- Taking me back again. Yeah I feel it now- Dragging me in again. And I feel it now, I feel it now- And it's taking me...
And I feel it coming down... 'Cause I feel it now- Taking me back again. Yeah I feel it now- Dragging me in again. And I feel it now, I'm on my way- And it's taking me back again- Taking me back again.