- 1
Theatre of Tragedy - Venus
- 2
Theatre of Tragedy - Siren
- 3
Theatre of Tragedy - And When He Falleth
- 4
Theatre of Tragedy - Cassandra
- 5
Theatre of Tragedy - Lorelei
- 6
Theatre of Tragedy - Angélique
- 7
Theatre of Tragedy - A Distance There Is
- 8
Theatre of Tragedy - A Rose For The Dead
- 9
Theatre of Tragedy - Der Tanz Der Schatten
- 10
Theatre of Tragedy - Fair And 'Guiling Copesmate Death
- 11
Theatre of Tragedy - Storm
- 12
Theatre of Tragedy - Bring Forth Ye Shadow
- 13
Theatre of Tragedy - Poppæa
- 14
Theatre of Tragedy - Forever Is The World
- 15
Theatre of Tragedy - A Hamlet For A Slothful Vassal
- 16
Theatre of Tragedy - Dialog From "And When He Falleth"
- 17
Theatre of Tragedy - Dying - I Only Feel Apathy
- 18
Theatre of Tragedy - Illusions
- 19
Theatre of Tragedy - Aoede
- 20
Theatre of Tragedy - Black As The Devil Painteth
- 21
Theatre of Tragedy - Deadland
- 22
Theatre of Tragedy - Frozen
- 23
Theatre of Tragedy - Senseless
- 24
Theatre of Tragedy - Seraphic Deviltry
- 25
Theatre of Tragedy - Sweet Art Thou
- 26
Theatre of Tragedy - To These Words I Beheld No Tongue
- 27
Theatre of Tragedy - Transition
- 28
Theatre of Tragedy - Ashes and Dreams
- 29
Theatre of Tragedy - Astray
- 30
Theatre of Tragedy - Bacchante
- 31
Theatre of Tragedy - Begin and End
- 32
Theatre of Tragedy - Commute
- 33
Theatre of Tragedy - Der Spiegel
- 34
Theatre of Tragedy - Exile
- 35
Theatre of Tragedy - Hide And Seek
- 36
Theatre of Tragedy - Lament Of The Perishing Roses
- 37
Theatre of Tragedy - MïRe
- 38
Theatre of Tragedy - On Whom The Moon Doth Shine
- 39
Theatre of Tragedy - Radio
- 40
Theatre of Tragedy - Reverie
- 41
Theatre of Tragedy - Samantha
- 42
Theatre of Tragedy - Silence
- 43
Theatre of Tragedy - The Masquerader And Phoenix
- 44
Theatre of Tragedy - Universal Race
- 45
Theatre of Tragedy - Virago
- 46
Theatre of Tragedy - A Nine Days Wonder
- 47
Theatre of Tragedy - A Song by the Hearth?!
- 48
Theatre of Tragedy - And When He Falleth (Remix)
- 49
Theatre of Tragedy - Aoede
- 50
Theatre of Tragedy - As The Shadows Dance
- 51
Theatre of Tragedy - Automatic Lover
- 52
Theatre of Tragedy - Beauty Of Deconstruction
- 53
Theatre of Tragedy - Cheerful Dirge
- 54
Theatre of Tragedy - City Of Light
- 55
Theatre of Tragedy - Crash / Concrete
- 56
Theatre of Tragedy - Crash/Concrete
- 57
Theatre of Tragedy - Debris
- 58
Theatre of Tragedy - Decades (Joy Division Cover)
- 59
Theatre of Tragedy - Der Tanz Der Schatten (Club-Mix)
- 60
Theatre of Tragedy - Disintegration
- 61
Theatre of Tragedy - Empty
- 62
Theatre of Tragedy - Envision
- 63
Theatre of Tragedy - Episode
- 64
Theatre of Tragedy - Fade
- 65
Theatre of Tragedy - Flickerlight
- 66
Theatre of Tragedy - Fragment
- 67
Theatre of Tragedy - Highlights
- 68
Theatre of Tragedy - Hollow
- 69
Theatre of Tragedy - Hollow-HeartèD, Heart-DepartèD
- 70
Theatre of Tragedy - Image
- 71
Theatre of Tragedy - Image (French Version)
- 72
Theatre of Tragedy - Let You Down
- 73
Theatre of Tragedy - Liquid Man
- 74
Theatre of Tragedy - Machine
- 75
Theatre of Tragedy - Monotonë
- 76
Theatre of Tragedy - Motion
- 77
Theatre of Tragedy - Musique
- 78
Theatre of Tragedy - Play
- 79
Theatre of Tragedy - Retrospect
- 80
Theatre of Tragedy - Revolution
- 81
Theatre of Tragedy - Soliloquy
- 82
Theatre of Tragedy - Somnium Obmutun
- 83
Theatre of Tragedy - Space Age
- 84
Theatre of Tragedy - Starlit
- 85
Theatre of Tragedy - Superdrive
- 86
Theatre of Tragedy - The Breaking
- 87
Theatre of Tragedy - The New Man
- 88
Theatre of Tragedy - Voices
- 89
Theatre of Tragedy - You Keep Me Hangin' On
Somnium Obmutun
Theatre of Tragedy
Sed quod pulchrior et desiderandios illa somnia sunt
ea major tristia mea cum expergiscor.
Tamen desiderio noctes illam dulces sed dolorosas,
ut regno somnii amorem meum osculis teneris tegere
et suun capillium aureum permulcere.
Conamen meae mentis spem tepirire interiret per
Devoratus per somnium obmutitum, lugen plenus
As the lorn nightingales' melodious pain, dies away
the dusk-impregnated air a sweet, forgiving silence,
delivers me from daily despair.
Dreams of sweetest emotion touch my heart and smother
my daily surpresses cries, while a vision of beauty,
pure and dear inspires me with a glimpse of paradise.
Wandering like a vagabund, expelled from the joys of
Barred from the pleasure of company I solitary roam
the night.
How should I ever summon my courage, when the bitter
of failure dominates my heart. How should I ever enjoy
the glare of the morning, when with the fading
of the shadows shelter departs.
As the moon kisses the sea and casts it's glitter on
the water and majestically silence engulfes the lands,
a dream woven of bitterness, joy
and desire stealthfully embraces my solitary heart.
Horis lucis simplex
crescere, et somniator.
Repudiatur nam sensus
ab simplice redeor.
Through scies of charming beauty, up to the stars
my mind lifts up enchanted, casts of all earthly
Subdued by nights sensation, engulfed by sweet
I kiss the seals of slumber and let my spirit dream.
Doubtful thoughts pull back my heart.
The flame of delight chases to burn.
For every smile shall wither, the hopeful laughter
the cup of joys illusions bashed from the craving
And as all hopes are shattered, the last of passions
the gale of bitter failure is all that shall remain.
Cursed by my creator and the spark of existence,
so unvoluntary bestowed. Come forth spirits of my
solitary past,
emotions of havok and destruction be unleashed.
I wonder if I ever could regain the virtues
I have cast off long ago.
I wonder if my eyes will ever catch a token
of the sympathy I still crave.
And all emotion of my former days dilute.
For I shall learn how to live with the truth.
Soon I shall strip off the boundaries of hope.
For a caring soul.
Der fluchtig Vergnugungen mude, der Tag voller
Wann mag der einst wohlvertraut friede,
endlich wieder erfullen die Brust.
Und als der guldnen Sterne Glanz verging und des
Morgens Rot am Himmel hing da ward des
Nachtens Freud und Bluck zerstoben ein neuer
jamervoller Tag
Wohin verflogen der Stunden Zeit wohin
des Nachts verhullnd Barmherzigkeit.
So flieht mein Sinn dem Bimmel bleich in Trubsinn
schwer an Kummer reich.