Bing bang bong, a-ring rang rong
(That's a pirate song)
I love to sing (he loves to sing)
I'll sing anything (he'll sing anything)
Captain feathersword sings
Ooh I love to eat (he loves to eat)
I'll eat anything (he'll eat anything)
Captain feathersword eats
Oh, on the sea or on the land
He dances all day long
A-bing bang bong, a-ring rang rong
(That's a pirate song!)
I love to tickle (he loves to tickle)
I'll tickle everyone, me hearties (ooh, watch out!)
Captain feathersword tickles
Oh, on the sea or on the land
He dances all day long
A-ring bang bong, a-ring rang rong
(That's a pirate song!)
I love to dance (he loves to dance)
In my pirate pants (in his pirate pants)
The feathersword dance