- 1
The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
- 2
The White Stripes - We're Going To Be Friends
- 3
The White Stripes - The Hardest Button To Button
- 4
The White Stripes - Fell In Love With a Girl
- 5
The White Stripes - I Just Don't Know What To do With Myself
- 6
The White Stripes - In The Cold, Cold Night
- 7
The White Stripes - Blue Orchid
- 8
The White Stripes - Icky Thump
- 9
The White Stripes - The Denial Twist
- 10
The White Stripes - Ball And Biscuit
- 11
The White Stripes - Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground
- 12
The White Stripes - Apple Blossom
- 13
The White Stripes - Black Math
- 14
The White Stripes - There`s No Home For You Here
- 15
The White Stripes - Little Acorns
- 16
The White Stripes - You Don't Know What Love Is (You Just Do As You're Told)
- 17
The White Stripes - Hotel Yorba
- 18
The White Stripes - Jolene
- 19
The White Stripes - You've Got Her In Your Pocket
- 20
The White Stripes - Catch Hell Blues
- 21
The White Stripes - Conquest
- 22
The White Stripes - Well It's True That We Love One Another
- 23
The White Stripes - Death Letter
- 24
The White Stripes - Effect And Cause
- 25
The White Stripes - Hello Operator
- 26
The White Stripes - Hypnotize
- 27
The White Stripes - Little Cream Soda
- 28
The White Stripes - My Doorbell
- 29
The White Stripes - Red Rain
- 30
The White Stripes - Take, Take, Take
- 31
The White Stripes - Girl, You Have No Faith In Medicine
- 32
The White Stripes - Hypnotize
- 33
The White Stripes - I Want To Be The Boy To Warm Your Mother's Heart
- 34
The White Stripes - Let's Build A Home
- 35
The White Stripes - Little Ghost
- 36
The White Stripes - Offend In Every Way
- 37
The White Stripes - One More Cup Of Coffee
- 38
The White Stripes - Shelter Of Your Arms
- 39
The White Stripes - St. James Infirmary Blues
- 40
The White Stripes - The Air Near My Fingers
- 41
The White Stripes - The Denial Twist
- 42
The White Stripes - The Same Boy You've Always Known
- 43
The White Stripes - This Protector
- 44
The White Stripes - Truth Doesn't Make A Noise
- 45
The White Stripes - You're Pretty Good Looking
- 46
The White Stripes - 300 M.P.H. Torrential Outpour Blues
- 47
The White Stripes - A Boy's Best Friend
- 48
The White Stripes - Astro
- 49
The White Stripes - Cannon
- 50
The White Stripes - De Ballit Of De Boll Weevil
- 51
The White Stripes - Good To Me
- 52
The White Stripes - I Can't Wait
- 53
The White Stripes - I Fought Piranhas
- 54
The White Stripes - I Think I Smell A Rat
- 55
The White Stripes - Instinct Blues
- 56
The White Stripes - It's True We Love One Another
- 57
The White Stripes - Let's Shake Hands
- 58
The White Stripes - Little Bird
- 59
The White Stripes - Little Room
- 60
The White Stripes - Look Me Over Closely
- 61
The White Stripes - Love Sick
- 62
The White Stripes - Now Mary
- 63
The White Stripes - Prickly Thorn, but Sweetly Worn
- 64
The White Stripes - Rag and Bone
- 65
The White Stripes - Stop Breaking Down
- 66
The White Stripes - Wasting My Time
- 67
The White Stripes - When I Hear My Name
- 68
The White Stripes - Red Death At 6:14
- 69
The White Stripes - A Martyr For My Love For You
- 70
The White Stripes - As Ugly As I Seem
- 71
The White Stripes - Ashtray Heart
- 72
The White Stripes - Baby Brother
- 73
The White Stripes - Black Jack Davey
- 74
The White Stripes - Bone Broke
- 75
The White Stripes - Broken Bricks
- 76
The White Stripes - Candy Cane Children
- 77
The White Stripes - Cash Grab Complications On The Matter
- 78
The White Stripes - China Pig
- 79
The White Stripes - Christmas Time Will Soon Be Over
- 80
The White Stripes - City Lights
- 81
The White Stripes - Conquista
- 82
The White Stripes - Do
- 83
The White Stripes - Expecting
- 84
The White Stripes - Folk Singer
- 85
The White Stripes - Forever For Her (Is Over For Me)
- 86
The White Stripes - Great High Mountain
- 87
The White Stripes - Handsprings
- 88
The White Stripes - Honey We Can't Afford To Look This Cheap
- 89
The White Stripes - I Can Learn
- 90
The White Stripes - I'm Bound To Pack It Up
- 91
The White Stripes - I'm Finding It Harder To Be a Gentleman
- 92
The White Stripes - I'm Lonely (But I Ain't That Lonely Yet)
- 93
The White Stripes - I'm Slowly Turning Into You
- 94
The White Stripes - Isis
- 95
The White Stripes - It's My Fault For Being Famous
- 96
The White Stripes - Jack The Ripper
- 97
The White Stripes - Jimmy the Exploder
- 98
The White Stripes - Jumble, Jumble
- 99
The White Stripes - Lafayette Blues
- 100
The White Stripes - Little People
- 101
The White Stripes - Lord, Send Me An Angel
- 102
The White Stripes - Never Far Away
- 103
The White Stripes - New York City Cops
- 104
The White Stripes - Outlaw Blues
- 105
The White Stripes - Pain
- 106
The White Stripes - Party Of Special Things To Do
- 107
The White Stripes - Passive Manipulation
- 108
The White Stripes - Rated X
- 109
The White Stripes - Red Bowling Ball Ruth
- 110
The White Stripes - Red Death At 6:14
- 111
The White Stripes - Screwdriver
- 112
The White Stripes - Sister, Do You Know My Name?
- 113
The White Stripes - Sittin' On Top Of The World
- 114
The White Stripes - Slicker Drips
- 115
The White Stripes - St. Andrew (This Battle Is In The Air)
- 116
The White Stripes - St. Ides of March
- 117
The White Stripes - Sugar Never Tasted So Good
- 118
The White Stripes - Suzy Lee
- 119
The White Stripes - Tennessee Border
- 120
The White Stripes - The Big Three Killed My Baby
- 121
The White Stripes - The Nurse
- 122
The White Stripes - The Singing Of The Silent Night
- 123
The White Stripes - The Union Forever
- 124
The White Stripes - Though I Hear You Calling, I Will Not Answer
- 125
The White Stripes - Top Special
- 126
The White Stripes - Walking With a Ghost
- 127
The White Stripes - Wayfaring Stranger
- 128
The White Stripes - White Moon
- 129
The White Stripes - Who's A Big Baby?
- 130
The White Stripes - Who's To Say
- 131
The White Stripes - Why Can't You Be Nicer To Me?
- 132
The White Stripes - You've Got Her In Your Pocket
- 133
The White Stripes - Your Southern Can Is Mine
Little Acorns
The White Stripes
And sadness smothers us
Where do we find the will and the courage to continue?
Well, the answer may come in the carrying voice of a friend
A chance encounter with a book
Or from a personal faith
For janette help came from her faith
But it also came from a squirrel
Shortly after her divorce
Janette lost her father
Then she lost her job
She had mounthing money problems
But Janette not only survived
She worked her way out of despondency and now she says
"Life is good again"
How could this happen?
She told me that late one autumn day when she was at her lowest
She watched a squirrel storing up nuts for the winter
One at a time he would take them to the nest
And she thought, "If that squirrel can take care
of himself with the harsh winter coming on
So can I
Once I broke my problems into small pieces
I was able to carry them
Just like those acorns
One at a time"
Jack White:
Take all your problems
And rip 'em apart
Carry them off
In a shopping cart
And another thing
You should've known from the start
The problems in hand
Are lighter than at heart
Be like the squirrel, girl
Be like the squirrel
Give it a whirl, girl
Be like the squirrel
And another thing
You have to know in this world
Cut up your hair
Straighten your curls
Well, your problems
Hide in your curls