- 1
The Hormonauts - Hey You
- 2
The Hormonauts - A Bundle Of Fun
- 3
The Hormonauts - A Life Time Away
- 4
The Hormonauts - A Shot
- 5
The Hormonauts - Any Normal Super Hero
- 6
The Hormonauts - Black Slacks
- 7
The Hormonauts - Cassius
- 8
The Hormonauts - Get Off The Wagon
- 9
The Hormonauts - Greasy Black Hands
- 10
The Hormonauts - Hitched
- 11
The Hormonauts - Hormone Airlines
- 12
The Hormonauts - Hormone Bomb
- 13
The Hormonauts - Hormone Hop
- 14
The Hormonauts - Hormonette
- 15
The Hormonauts - Hormonized
- 16
The Hormonauts - Hot Rod Tattoo
- 17
The Hormonauts - I See Two
- 18
The Hormonauts - I Wish You Well
- 19
The Hormonauts - Just Drive
- 20
The Hormonauts - Just Why You're Blue?
- 21
The Hormonauts - Little Red Vanette
- 22
The Hormonauts - Lonesome Train (On A Lonesome Track)
- 23
The Hormonauts - Looser
- 24
The Hormonauts - Lucky Toy
- 25
The Hormonauts - Malafemmena
- 26
The Hormonauts - Mini-skirt
- 27
The Hormonauts - Mojito Joe
- 28
The Hormonauts - Off My Chest
- 29
The Hormonauts - Overkill
- 30
The Hormonauts - She'll Be My Baby
- 31
The Hormonauts - Shit Faced
- 32
The Hormonauts - Solid Gone
- 33
The Hormonauts - Stayin' Alive
- 34
The Hormonauts - Sweet Young Thing
- 35
The Hormonauts - Swimming Pool
- 36
The Hormonauts - Tainted Love
- 37
The Hormonauts - That Man In Your Bed
- 38
The Hormonauts - The Girl At The Station Bar
- 39
The Hormonauts - This Cat's Too Fat
- 40
The Hormonauts - Top Of The World
- 41
The Hormonauts - Turkey Jive
- 42
The Hormonauts - We Are The Hormonauts
- 43
The Hormonauts - Where's My Angel
- 44
The Hormonauts - Who The Hell Are You?
- 45
The Hormonauts - You Jusy Won't Go
Where's My Angel
The Hormonauts
and this crazy little devil's whisperin'in my hear,
'bout the six-foot blonde with the steel-blue eyes,
who says she likes her men just about my size,
I look to the left and I look to the right,
But my guardian angel is nowhere in sight,
All I got's the devil and he's whisperin'to me,
"Don't you just love what you see?"
Where's my angel?
Where's my angel?
I've come thousand miles,
And big blonde smiles,
I'lookin' for my angel,
She's standin'far too close to me,
Where's my angel?
I get a nudge in the ribs and an all-knowing wink,
from a friend who believes tha he knows what I think,
and She's tellin' now that her boyfriend's in jail,
and nobody here' s gonna tattle-tale,
and my devil man tells me to take the big leap,
what the eyes don't see, thr heart can't weep,
She says that she's horny and I guess I am too,
What in hell am I gonna do?
Where's my angel?
Where's my angel?
I've come thousand miles,
And big bionde smiles,
I'lookin' for my angel,
She' s standin'far too close to me,
Where's my angel?
Now there's my angel,
Leanin' up at the bar,
Says, "Do what You want,
You done come this far, and I can't really see,
What the fuss is about,
So dig deep in your pocket,
'cause this is your shout,
You've never listened to me,
Or any that l've said,
So get a beer for yourself and a whisky for me
And take that young woman to bed!"
I get back from the bar, ali primed for the hit,
But it seems to that the blonde chick's split,
I look all around and all I can can see,
Is the devil and and the angel and they are laughin'at me,
I look to the left and I look to the right ,
But the belle of the ball is nowhere in sight,
l've missed my chance;it's just as well,
My girlfriend would make my life hell!
Where's my angel?
Where's my angel?
I've come thousand miles,
And big blonde smiles,
I'lookin' for my angel,
She's standin'far too close to me,
Where's my angel?