Anubis in the night
Guiding all the souls
Through the desert's fright
To where Osiris holds
Eyes that pierce the dark
He stands at the gate
With a sacred mark
Deciding every fate
Anubis take my hand
Guide me through the shadows
Find me a promised land
Beyond the ancient Pharaohs
Through the tombs they creep
Silence in the air
In his trust they keep
A journey few would dare
Mummy wrap and stone
Symbols of his care
Never left alone
He’s always standing there
Anubis take my hand
Guide me through the shadows
Find me a promised land
Beyond the ancient Pharaohs
Through the tombs they creep
Silence in the air
In his trust they keep
A journey few would dare
Mummy wrap and stone
Symbols of his care
Never left alone
He’s always standing there
Anubis take my hand
Guide me through the shadows
Find me a promised land
Beyond the ancient Pharaohs
Through the tombs they creep
Silence in the air
In his trust they keep
A journey few would dare
Mummy wrap and stone
Symbols of his care
Never left alone
He’s always standing there
Mummy wrap and stone
Symbols of his care
Never left alone
He’s always standing there
In the dark of ancient night
Anubis stands with piercing sight
Guiding souls to their fate
Judging hearts with no debate
Mummy wraps and sacred tombs
Guarded treasures in the gloom
Weighing hearts against a feather
Decides the soul's forever
Anubis judge us true
Take our hearts to view
Will we rise or fall
In your hands we call