[Wicked witch] I'm the wicked witch of eastwick, dummy!
[Casting director] I don't see your name on the call sheet Do you have anything prepared?
[Wicked witch] Wagon witch watusi!
Terrifyin' munchkins just for kicks, and Had 'em so scared they were shittin' yellow bricks, and I'm the wickedest that ever was Mean queen of oz Applause, applause
I was mindin' my own business doing wicked, witchy things When my world turned upside down, hoh!
There was a twister! It was spinnin' like you wouldn't believe A twister! It was movin' fast and lookin' at me This double wide lands on my head Ding, dong, I'm dead from the Twister, from the Twister, help me Sister, from the Twister
[Casting director] Don't call us, we'll call you
[Wicked witch] I don't know why my agent books me on these chicken-shit gigs! Ooh, cute shoes