[Baronette 1, Baronette 2, both (spoken)] Hey girls We couldn't help but overhear your little Was that a musical number? It was cute We're enemies, right? So let us give you the tea No one in the swish alps wants to hear whatever freaky music you call that You're all 16 going on nowhere
[Strudel] We're actually in our 20s
[Baronette 2] So, in conclusion
[Baronette 1] You should break up
[Baronette 1, Baronette 2, both (sung)] Break up Bye-bye Bye-bye Maybe we'll see you In the next life So long So long Farewell Farewell We'll see you in hell
[Diesl (spoken)] You can't stop us
[Baronette 1, Baronette 2] Oh, yes, we can We stole this thing from your car So good luck getting to the salzburg rusic music singing competition festival And tournament
[Schnitzel] We'll never make it to the competition now!