Night slows me down And puts me off Totter-scatter-blabbering Sort of funny that You would make a Stop-action Short
Because I sort of Pretend that I'm next to your progressing form As you move from shot to shot I mean, I'm next to you on the streets Of a city that I never really thought I'd move in to That I never even really saw myself Moving in
But now, I'm in the way of this other me That's just trying to say Sort of funny that you're moving on along These streets you happen to now Live on
It's these ideas that waste all my time It's these ideas that waste all my time It's these ideas that waste all my time It's these ideas that waste all my time
Okay, okay, okay So honesty Didn't do anything For me once again But it did the night that I said to Rob That I could not keep my opinions to myself for any longer But that Could've just been another one of my Another one of my Blah! Blah blahs!