- 1
Stereolab - Come And Play In The Milky Night
- 2
Stereolab - The Flower Called Nowhere
- 3
Stereolab - Lo Boob Oscillator
- 4
Stereolab - Pack Yr Romantic mind
- 5
Stereolab - Refractions in The Plastic Pulse
- 6
Stereolab - Tempter
- 7
Stereolab - French Disko
- 8
Stereolab - Parsec
- 9
Stereolab - Ping Pong
- 10
Stereolab - Rainbo Conversation
- 11
Stereolab - Cybele's Reverie
- 12
Stereolab - Fluorescences
- 13
Stereolab - Free Design
- 14
Stereolab - Incredible He-woman
- 15
Stereolab - Miss Modular
- 16
Stereolab - Orgiastic
- 17
Stereolab - Our Trinitone Blast
- 18
Stereolab - The Noise Of Carpet
- 19
Stereolab - ...Sudden Stars
- 20
Stereolab - 3D Melodie
- 21
Stereolab - Allures
- 22
Stereolab - Analogue Rock
- 23
Stereolab - Anamorphose
- 24
Stereolab - Animal Or Vegetable (A Wonderfull Wooden Reason)
- 25
Stereolab - Anonymous Collective
- 26
Stereolab - Au Grand Jour
- 27
Stereolab - Avant Garde M.O.R.
- 28
Stereolab - Baby Lulu
- 29
Stereolab - Blips Drips And Strips
- 30
Stereolab - Blue Milk
- 31
Stereolab - Brakhage
- 32
Stereolab - Brigitte
- 33
Stereolab - Brittle
- 34
Stereolab - Cadriopo
- 35
Stereolab - Caleidoscopic Gaze
- 36
Stereolab - Captain Easychord
- 37
Stereolab - Changer
- 38
Stereolab - Check And Double Check
- 39
Stereolab - Chemical Chords
- 40
Stereolab - Contronatura
- 41
Stereolab - Cosmic Country Noir
- 42
Stereolab - Crest
- 43
Stereolab - Daisy Click Clack
- 44
Stereolab - Des Étoiles Électroniques
- 45
Stereolab - Diagonals
- 46
Stereolab - Double Rocker
- 47
Stereolab - Doubt
- 48
Stereolab - Ecstatic Static
- 49
Stereolab - Elektro (He Held The World In His Iron Grip)
- 50
Stereolab - Eloge d'Eros
- 51
Stereolab - Emergency Kisses
- 52
Stereolab - Emperor Tomato Ketchup
- 53
Stereolab - Escape Pod (From The World Of Medical Observations)
- 54
Stereolab - Excursions Into "oh, a-oh"
- 55
Stereolab - Exploding Head Movie
- 56
Stereolab - Extension Trip
- 57
Stereolab - Eye Of The Volcano
- 58
Stereolab - Farfisa
- 59
Stereolab - Fell & Triple (mary Goodbye)
- 60
Stereolab - Fractal Dream Of A Thing
- 61
Stereolab - galaxidion
- 62
Stereolab - Get A Shot Of The Refrigerator
- 63
Stereolab - Going Out Of My Way
- 64
Stereolab - Golden Ball (single)
- 65
Stereolab - Gus The Mynah Bird
- 66
Stereolab - Hallucinex
- 67
Stereolab - Harmonium
- 68
Stereolab - High Expectation
- 69
Stereolab - Hillbilly Motobike
- 70
Stereolab - Infinity Girl
- 71
Stereolab - Interlock
- 72
Stereolab - International Colouring Contest
- 73
Stereolab - Italian Shoes Continuum
- 74
Stereolab - Jenny Ondioline
- 75
Stereolab - John Cage Bubblegum
- 76
Stereolab - K-Stars
- 77
Stereolab - La Demeure
- 78
Stereolab - Laisser-Faire
- 79
Stereolab - Les Bons Bons Des Raisons
- 80
Stereolab - Les Yper-Sound
- 81
Stereolab - Lock-Groove Lullaby
- 82
Stereolab - Low Fi
- 83
Stereolab - Margerine Rock
- 84
Stereolab - Mellotron
- 85
Stereolab - Metronomic Underground
- 86
Stereolab - Monstre Sacre
- 87
Stereolab - Motoroller Scalatron
- 88
Stereolab - Mountain
- 89
Stereolab - Munich Madness
- 90
Stereolab - Naught More Terrific Than Man
- 91
Stereolab - Need To Be
- 92
Stereolab - Neon Beanbag
- 93
Stereolab - New Orthophony
- 94
Stereolab - Nihilist Assault Group
- 95
Stereolab - Nothing To Do With Me
- 96
Stereolab - Olv 26
- 97
Stereolab - One Finger Symphony
- 98
Stereolab - One Note Samba
- 99
Stereolab - One Small Step
- 100
Stereolab - Op Hop Detonation
- 101
Stereolab - Outer Accelerator
- 102
Stereolab - Pause
- 103
Stereolab - Peng! 33
- 104
Stereolab - People do It All The Time
- 105
Stereolab - Percolator
- 106
Stereolab - Perversion
- 107
Stereolab - Plastic Mile
- 108
Stereolab - Pop Quiz
- 109
Stereolab - Prisoner Of Mars
- 110
Stereolab - Puncture In The Radax Permutation
- 111
Stereolab - Revox
- 112
Stereolab - Ronco Symphony
- 113
Stereolab - Sadistic
- 114
Stereolab - Seeperbold
- 115
Stereolab - Self Portrait With Electric Brain
- 116
Stereolab - Silver Sands
- 117
Stereolab - Slow Fast Hazel
- 118
Stereolab - Space Moment
- 119
Stereolab - Spark Plug
- 120
Stereolab - Speedy Car
- 121
Stereolab - Spinal Column
- 122
Stereolab - Stomach Worm
- 123
Stereolab - Suggestion Diabolique
- 124
Stereolab - Super Falling Star
- 125
Stereolab - Super-Electric
- 126
Stereolab - Surrealchemist
- 127
Stereolab - The Black Arts
- 128
Stereolab - The Groop Play Chord X
- 129
Stereolab - The Man With 100 Cells
- 130
Stereolab - The Seeming And The Meaning
- 131
Stereolab - The Spiracles
- 132
Stereolab - The Stars Our Destination
- 133
Stereolab - The Way Will Be Opening
- 134
Stereolab - Three Longers Later
- 135
Stereolab - Three Women
- 136
Stereolab - Ticker Tape Of The Unconscious
- 137
Stereolab - Tomorrow Is Already Here
- 138
Stereolab - Tone Burst (Country)
- 139
Stereolab - Transona Five
- 140
Stereolab - Transporte Sans Bouger
- 141
Stereolab - Valley Hi!
- 142
Stereolab - Velvet Water
- 143
Stereolab - Visionary Road Maps
- 144
Stereolab - Vodiak
- 145
Stereolab - Vonal Declosion
- 146
Stereolab - Whisper Pitch
- 147
Stereolab - Widow Weirdo
- 148
Stereolab - With Friends Like These
- 149
Stereolab - Wow and Flutter
- 150
Stereolab - You Little Shits
- 151
Stereolab - You Used To Call Me Sadness
Nothing To Do With Me
quite unacceptable
let go
pull your leg off
out of control
it's the bed wetting thing
that brought us here doctor
it's the bed wetting thing
you tripped
dog on a leash
you had never noticed
nothing to do with me
says he weeing his feet
well it won't go away overnight
but it will go away
in the end
you did such a great job
with the boiler last time
please can you mend my baby
he hasn't moved for three weeks
don't they use coffins
when they are that small
I don't want this
poor thing in my house
sir my chin
has been getting rather hot lately
so lick your chin stand on a tall building in the stiff breeze
don't know what to do
it's saturday night
I seek good advice
from who knows what's right
why don't you ring friends
and go for a few drinks
and then go see a movie
did you prescribe my daughter a pound of heroine
I'm sorry, I can't see, I think I've blinded myself
did you prescribe my daughter pound of heroine
I'm sorry, I can't see, I think I've blinded myself
it isn't a spot, it is a baby
you're not a doctor, you're a wanker