- 1
Slayer - Angel Of Death
- 2
Slayer - Raining Blood
- 3
Slayer - Repentless
- 4
Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss
- 5
Slayer - South Of Heaven
- 6
Slayer - Delusions Of Saviour
- 7
Slayer - Jesus Saves
- 8
Slayer - Dead Skin Mask
- 9
Slayer - Hell Awaits
- 10
Slayer - War Ensemble
- 11
Slayer - Disciple
- 12
Slayer - Postmortem
- 13
Slayer - Bloodline
- 14
Slayer - Black Magic
- 15
Slayer - Cult
- 16
Slayer - Mandatory Suicide
- 17
Slayer - Skeletons Of Society
- 18
Slayer - Jihad
- 19
Slayer - Show No Mercy
- 20
Slayer - World Painted Blood
- 21
Slayer - Pride In Prejudice
- 22
Slayer - Angel Of Death
- 23
Slayer - Evil Has No Boundaries
- 24
Slayer - The Antichrist
- 25
Slayer - Unit 731
- 26
Slayer - Chemical Warfare
- 27
Slayer - Silent Scream
- 28
Slayer - You Against You
- 29
Slayer - Blood Red
- 30
Slayer - Expendable Youth
- 31
Slayer - Kill Again
- 32
Slayer - Spirit In Black
- 33
Slayer - Altar of Sacrifice
- 34
Slayer - Die By The Sword
- 35
Slayer - I Hate You
- 36
Slayer - At Dawn They Sleep
- 37
Slayer - Criminally Insane
- 38
Slayer - 213
- 39
Slayer - Vices
- 40
Slayer - Aggressive Perfector
- 41
Slayer - Behind The Crooked Cross
- 42
Slayer - Born Of Fire
- 43
Slayer - Chasing Death
- 44
Slayer - Divine Intervention
- 45
Slayer - Ghosts Of War
- 46
Slayer - Metal Storm/Face The Slayer
- 47
Slayer - Necrophobic
- 48
Slayer - Piece By Piece
- 49
Slayer - Skeleton Christ
- 50
Slayer - Stain Of Mind
- 51
Slayer - When The Stillness Comes
- 52
Slayer - Cast Down
- 53
Slayer - Disciple
- 54
Slayer - Hate Worldwide
- 55
Slayer - Here Comes The Pain
- 56
Slayer - Necrophiliac
- 57
Slayer - Snuff
- 58
Slayer - Spill the Blood
- 59
Slayer - Temptation
- 60
Slayer - Anti-Christ
- 61
Slayer - Beauty Through Order
- 62
Slayer - Bitter Peace
- 63
Slayer - Cast The First Stone
- 64
Slayer - Dittohead
- 65
Slayer - Flesh Storm
- 66
Slayer - Hallowed Point
- 67
Slayer - In The Name Of God
- 68
Slayer - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
- 69
Slayer - Psychopathy Red
- 70
Slayer - Read Between The Lies
- 71
Slayer - Reborn
- 72
Slayer - Take Control
- 73
Slayer - Threshold
- 74
Slayer - Tormentor
- 75
Slayer - Atrocity Vendor
- 76
Slayer - Dissident Aggressor
- 77
Slayer - Eyes of the Insane
- 78
Slayer - God Send Death
- 79
Slayer - Implode
- 80
Slayer - Killing Fields
- 81
Slayer - New Faith
- 82
Slayer - Not Of This God
- 83
Slayer - Piano Wire
- 84
Slayer - Playing With Dolls
- 85
Slayer - Praise Of Death
- 86
Slayer - Scrum
- 87
Slayer - Abolish Government/superficial Love
- 88
Slayer - Black Serenade
- 89
Slayer - Captor Of Sin
- 90
Slayer - Catalyst
- 91
Slayer - Catatonic
- 92
Slayer - Cleanse The Soul
- 93
Slayer - Crionics
- 94
Slayer - Darkness Of Christ
- 95
Slayer - Death's Head
- 96
Slayer - Desire
- 97
Slayer - Deviance
- 98
Slayer - Epidemic
- 99
Slayer - Fight Till Death
- 100
Slayer - Filler / I Don't Want To Hear It
- 101
Slayer - Guilty of Being White
- 102
Slayer - Live Undead
- 103
Slayer - Love To Hate
- 104
Slayer - Payback
- 105
Slayer - Perversions Of Pain
- 106
Slayer - Point
- 107
Slayer - Public Display Of Dismemberment
- 108
Slayer - The Final Command
- 109
Slayer - War Zone
- 110
Slayer - Americon
- 111
Slayer - Can't Stand You
- 112
Slayer - Circle Of Beliefs
- 113
Slayer - Consfearacy
- 114
Slayer - Face The Slayer
- 115
Slayer - Fictional Reality
- 116
Slayer - Final Six
- 117
Slayer - Gemini
- 118
Slayer - Hardening Of The Arteries
- 119
Slayer - Haunting The Chapel
- 120
Slayer - Human Strain
- 121
Slayer - Memories of Tomorrow
- 122
Slayer - Mind Control
- 123
Slayer - Mr. Freeze
- 124
Slayer - Overt Enemy
- 125
Slayer - Screaming From the Sky
- 126
Slayer - Serenity In Murder
- 127
Slayer - Seven Faces
- 128
Slayer - Spiritual Law
- 129
Slayer - Supremist
- 130
Slayer - Violent Pacification
- 131
Slayer - Addict
- 132
Slayer - Aggresive Perfector
- 133
Slayer - Born To Be Wild
- 134
Slayer - Crypts Of Eternity
- 135
Slayer - Ddamm
- 136
Slayer - Disintegration/free Money
- 137
Slayer - Disorder
- 138
Slayer - Drunk Drivers Against Mad Mothers
- 139
Slayer - Elogio da Morte
- 140
Slayer - Exile
- 141
Slayer - Fantasma da Guerra
- 142
Slayer - Gloomy Grim
- 143
Slayer - Hand Of Doom
- 144
Slayer - Human Disease
- 145
Slayer - I Wanna Be Your God
- 146
Slayer - Jihad
- 147
Slayer - Leeches
- 148
Slayer - No Remorse (I Wanna Die)
- 149
Slayer - Oh My Lover
- 150
Slayer - Opium Of Sanity
- 151
Slayer - Richard Hung Himself
- 152
Slayer - Scarstruck
- 153
Slayer - Sex, Murder, Art
- 154
Slayer - Sex. Murder. Art.
- 155
Slayer - Sick Boy
- 156
Slayer - SS - 3
- 157
Slayer - Ss-3
- 158
Slayer - Undisputed attitude
- 159
Slayer - Unguarded Instinct
- 160
Slayer - Verbal Abuse
- 161
Slayer - Wicked
- 162
Slayer - Witching Hour
- 163
Slayer - Witching Hour (feat. Machine Head)
I've seen it many times
Your tortured screams
Your decrepit little mind
A father's son
With pathetic eyes that bleed
Twins in the end
Begin and let the brothers fall
I will see you burned alive
Screaming for your God
I will watch you die again for Him
Blood is raining downward
The stain reflects the Sun
Conquer divide within
Terrorize the mind
I've seen the end, it's yours
Rosary in hand
Your selfish flesh, it melts
Spilling from the sky
I will watch you die again for Him
God won't touch what I've done
He cries upon my feet
A privileged pain
Beneath buried are your dead
On splintered bones I walk
Sifting through the blood
Besieged in fear
Await the coming of the God
I will see you burned alive
Screaming for your God
I will watch you die again
This is God's war
God's war
This is God's war
God's war
War of holy principles
I'm seeking God's help in your destruction
Slit the throat of heathen man
And let his blood dilute the water
Bury your dead
Fuck your God, erase his name
A lady weeps, insane with sorrow
I'll take his towers from the world
You're fuckin' raped upon your deathbed
This is God's war
God's war
This is God's war
Holy Fucking war!
Be optimistic, happy, and calm
Show no fear or anxiety
Smile at the face of God
And your reward will be eternity
Holy warriors
Your patience will be justified
Everything is for Him
You must not comfort the animal before you kill it
Strike as champions at the heart of the nonbelievers
Strike above the neck and at all extremities
For it's a point of no return for Almighty God
God will give victory to his faithful servants
When you reach ground zero, you will have killed the enemy
The great Satan
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Thank you, very much
Thank you very much for being here
This is awesome!