1. 1

    Slaughter To Prevail - Viking

  2. 2

    Slaughter To Prevail - Baba Yaga

  3. 3

    Slaughter To Prevail - Demolisher

  4. 4

    Slaughter To Prevail - Kid of Darkness

  5. 5

    Slaughter To Prevail - Bratva

  6. 6

    Slaughter To Prevail - Bonebreaker

  7. 7

    Slaughter To Prevail - 1984

  8. 8

    Slaughter To Prevail - Conflict

  9. 9

    Slaughter To Prevail - Agony

  10. 10

    Slaughter To Prevail - I Killed a Man

  11. 11

    Slaughter To Prevail - Failed Hope

  12. 12

    Slaughter To Prevail - Made in Russia

  13. 13

    Slaughter To Prevail - KID OF DARKNESS

  14. 14

    Slaughter To Prevail - Your Only

  15. 15

    Slaughter To Prevail - Zavali Ebalo

  16. 16

    Slaughter To Prevail - Ад (Hell)

  17. 17

    Slaughter To Prevail - 666

  18. 18

    Slaughter To Prevail - Head on a Plate

  19. 19

    Slaughter To Prevail - K.O.D.

  20. 20

    Slaughter To Prevail - Chronic Slaughter

  21. 21

    Slaughter To Prevail - Ouroboros

  22. 22

    Slaughter To Prevail - Born To Die

  23. 23

    Slaughter To Prevail - Death (Смерть)

  24. 24

    Slaughter To Prevail - Father

  25. 25

    Slaughter To Prevail - As The Vultures Circle

  26. 26

    Slaughter To Prevail - Beast (Зверь)

  27. 27

    Slaughter To Prevail - King

  28. 28

    Slaughter To Prevail - Russian Hate

  29. 29

    Slaughter To Prevail - Crowned & Conquered

  30. 30

    Slaughter To Prevail - Intro

  31. 31

    Slaughter To Prevail - Malice Of Rites

  32. 32

    Slaughter To Prevail - Misery Sermon

  33. 33

    Slaughter To Prevail - The Hell In Man

  34. 34

    Slaughter To Prevail - Below

  35. 35

    Slaughter To Prevail - Cultural Ills

  36. 36

    Slaughter To Prevail - Misery (Страдание)

Our blood will flow on our faces
Our conscience destroyed by our weak will
We are the ones who called themselves "The Humanity"

We are the ones who hates everyone else

Our blood will flow on our faces
Our conscience destroyed by our weak will
We are the ones who called themselves "The Humanity"
We are the ones who hates everyone else

Our blood will flow on our faces
Our conscience destroyed by our weak will
We are the ones who called themselves "The Humanity"
We are the ones who hates everyone else

Perezhivi eto kholodnoye mgnoveniye
I posmotri na nebesa
Nichego bol'she zdes' ne ostanetsya
I pepel razvevayetsya
I letit v tvoi glaza
V golove chuzhiye golosa!

These voices make me sick!
Prepare for new war!

Prepare for new war!

Prepare for new war!

Chuma khochet bol'she deneg, sobstvennosti, razdeleniya, voyny, lyubvi k sebe i vlasti!
Dominirovaniye nad mirom EGO unichtozhayet VSO chto bylo rozhdeno!

Rozhdennaya dusha v ogne!
Ty zdes' chto by zhit'!
Rozhdennoye Ego v obmane!

My vse chast' bor'by
YA nichto! Bol' izbavila oto sna!
Prosti za moye nevezhestvo
Yedinstvo istina, my idem k ney!
Bol' ochnulas' oto sna, probuzhdayet i menya
Pererozhdeny vse mysli

Our blood will flow on our faces
Our conscience destroyed by our weak will
We are the ones who called themselves "The Humanity"
We are the ones who hates everyone else

Nasha krov' budet stekat' po nashim litsam
Nasha sovest' razrushena slaboy voley
My te kto nazyvayet sebya lyud'mi
My te kto NENAVIDIT VSEKH ostal'nykh!!!

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