1. 1

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Acolyte

  2. 2

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Gold And Green

  3. 3

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - 104 Degrees

  4. 4

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - My Girl

  5. 5

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - One Down

  6. 6

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Strange Weather (part. Dog)

  7. 7

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Your Cat

  8. 8

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - A Modern Lay

  9. 9

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Anything

  10. 10

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Are You There

  11. 11

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - At The Moonbase

  12. 12

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Bad Beer

  13. 13

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Bed Fest

  14. 14

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Black Oak

  15. 15

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Building The Ark

  16. 16

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Buttercup

  17. 17

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Dawg

  18. 18

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Do You Understand (What Has Happened To You)

  19. 19

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Drinks

  20. 20

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Essex Street

  21. 21

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Fair Shot

  22. 22

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Fell In Love

  23. 23

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Fish Fry

  24. 24

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Forever

  25. 25

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Friend Song

  26. 26

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Glowing

  27. 27

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Good Ones

  28. 28

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Heart Attack

  29. 29

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - I'm in Love

  30. 30

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Jobs

  31. 31

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Jonathan

  32. 32

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Just Like Me

  33. 33

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Mallrat Semi-Annual

  34. 34

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Map Of The Stars

  35. 35

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Monsters

  36. 36

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Notes From A Brief Engagement (At The Boot & Saddle)

  37. 37

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - One Day

  38. 38

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Parole Song

  39. 39

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Petersburg

  40. 40

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Phoenix

  41. 41

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Politics Of Grooming

  42. 42

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Pretty OK

  43. 43

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Real Annie

  44. 44

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Shapes I Know

  45. 45

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Sleepwalking

  46. 46

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Song For Oscar's

  47. 47

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Tangerine

  48. 48

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - The Dogs

  49. 49

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Thinking Of You

  50. 50

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Toronto Mug

  51. 51

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Toronto Mug II

  52. 52

    Slaughter Beach, Dog - Van Morrison

Song For Oscar's

Slaughter Beach, Dog

Tending to the city's broken heart
Little question marks linger over lonely people in the diner after dark
All cooing in their tiny china cups
One great, devastated row at the plate-glass window

We move to greet the emphysemic outlaws in the park
Hoarding fourteen nips of Dewar's in an army-jacket liquor cabinet
Starving out the skaters for a ledge under the stars
They all lived seven lives before the Sun let down her guard

They all lived seven lives before the Sun let down her guard
They all lived seven lives before the Sun let down her guard

Magazine readers, with your matchbooks and compact mirrors
Clobbered at Oscar's with flowers in the face of fear

A poem for the blue stalls in the bathrooms of the world in the backs of bars
Hungry neon lovers' symbols hurled across the booths at the new boys, a little thick between the ears
He's going for sentimental, but he's coming off severe
He says he's dead for seven years, he was dutifully revered
In certain circles, they were casting statues out of potter plaster
But that was all a while ago, before he got here
Now, he lives on gin-and-tonics and he studies economics

Magazine readers, with your matchbooks and compact mirrors
Clobbered at Oscar's with flowers in the face of fear
Ah, you magazine readers, with your matchbooks and compact mirrors
Clobbered at Oscar's with flowers in the face of fear

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