1. 1

    Shirley Kaiser - Santidade

  2. 2

    Shirley Kaiser - É Tempo de Cantar

  3. 3

    Shirley Kaiser - Coragem

  4. 4

    Shirley Kaiser - Deserto

  5. 5

    Shirley Kaiser - Lindo Céu

  6. 6

    Shirley Kaiser - O Céu Dos Santos

  7. 7

    Shirley Kaiser - Vem Sobre Nós

  8. 8

    Shirley Kaiser - Usa-me

  9. 9

    Shirley Kaiser - Nossa Missão

  10. 10

    Shirley Kaiser - Jesus e Eu

  11. 11

    Shirley Kaiser - Novo Templo

  12. 12

    Shirley Kaiser - Creio em Ti

  13. 13

    Shirley Kaiser - Sou Teu Deus

  14. 14

    Shirley Kaiser - Enche Este Lugar

  15. 15

    Shirley Kaiser - Além do Véu

  16. 16

    Shirley Kaiser - Fiel Tua Fidelidade

  17. 17

    Shirley Kaiser - Sunamita

  18. 18

    Shirley Kaiser - Profetiza

  19. 19

    Shirley Kaiser - Deus do Impossível

  20. 20

    Shirley Kaiser - Jeová

  21. 21

    Shirley Kaiser - O missionário

  22. 22

    Shirley Kaiser - O Transplante

  23. 23

    Shirley Kaiser - Unção de Deus

  24. 24

    Shirley Kaiser - 24 Horas Comigo

  25. 25

    Shirley Kaiser - Além do Horizonte

  26. 26

    Shirley Kaiser - Coração Sente Saudade

  27. 27

    Shirley Kaiser - Deus Forte

  28. 28

    Shirley Kaiser - Ele É Deus

  29. 29

    Shirley Kaiser - Milagres No Caminho

  30. 30

    Shirley Kaiser - Não Negarei Meu Rei

  31. 31

    Shirley Kaiser - O Nome De Jesus

  32. 32

    Shirley Kaiser - Promessa

  33. 33

    Shirley Kaiser - Basta Acreditar

  34. 34

    Shirley Kaiser - Deixa o Céu Vir

  35. 35

    Shirley Kaiser - É Só Chamar

  36. 36

    Shirley Kaiser - Fôlego de Vida

  37. 37

    Shirley Kaiser - Ismael e Agar

  38. 38

    Shirley Kaiser - Louve Ao Senhor

  39. 39

    Shirley Kaiser - Querite

  40. 40

    Shirley Kaiser - Se você precisar

  41. 41

    Shirley Kaiser - Soldado vencedor

  42. 42

    Shirley Kaiser - Tempo de Vencer

  43. 43

    Shirley Kaiser - Unção da Cura

  44. 44

    Shirley Kaiser - Vai Ser Tremendo

  45. 45

    Shirley Kaiser - Abro Mão

  46. 46

    Shirley Kaiser - Adorador

  47. 47

    Shirley Kaiser - Chuva De Azeite

  48. 48

    Shirley Kaiser - Deus é fiel

  49. 49

    Shirley Kaiser - Deus é Mais

  50. 50

    Shirley Kaiser - Deus faz

  51. 51

    Shirley Kaiser - Dr. Jesus

  52. 52

    Shirley Kaiser - Exclusiva Adoração

  53. 53

    Shirley Kaiser - Jesus é Rei

  54. 54

    Shirley Kaiser - Meu Louvor

  55. 55

    Shirley Kaiser - Perto de Ti

  56. 56

    Shirley Kaiser - Seguidores

  57. 57

    Shirley Kaiser - Silêncio de Deus

  58. 58

    Shirley Kaiser - Sou o Que Sou

  59. 59

    Shirley Kaiser - Sua História

  60. 60

    Shirley Kaiser - Surpreendente Deus (Teu Poder)

  61. 61

    Shirley Kaiser - Vai Em Frente Israel

  62. 62

    Shirley Kaiser - Vou Profetizar

  63. 63

    Shirley Kaiser - Como Águia

  64. 64

    Shirley Kaiser - Deus soberano

  65. 65

    Shirley Kaiser - É Abençoado

  66. 66

    Shirley Kaiser - Grande Coral

  67. 67

    Shirley Kaiser - Herdeiros da casa do Rei

  68. 68

    Shirley Kaiser - Na Sombra do Teu Amor

  69. 69

    Shirley Kaiser - O céu desceu

  70. 70

    Shirley Kaiser - Primeiro Amor

  71. 71

    Shirley Kaiser - Sou Feliz

  72. 72

    Shirley Kaiser - Voar Para Deus

  73. 73

    Shirley Kaiser - Vou Conquistar

  74. 74

    Shirley Kaiser - Caminhos da vida

  75. 75

    Shirley Kaiser - Cântico Novo

  76. 76

    Shirley Kaiser - Courage

  77. 77

    Shirley Kaiser - Deus É Maior

  78. 78

    Shirley Kaiser - Favor Imerecido

  79. 79

    Shirley Kaiser - Lindo Noivo

  80. 80

    Shirley Kaiser - Lindo Noivo

  81. 81

    Shirley Kaiser - Previsão de Jeová

  82. 82

    Shirley Kaiser - Vamos cantar

It is very difficult
Skip the trials without complaining
Sometimes it has barriers in the way
Will stop
But the Bible says:
We have to go back without
Not so easy to sing
It is much easier to cry
Even singing or crying
Continue onwards
God does everything for that
Not give up the fight.

You must have courage
Must have a willingness
To win the fight has to have faith
And without flinching, without a look back
To help you God is already up
Whatever God is your Lord
In battle is always winner
He will be with you not in danger
You are saved with all the love.

You must have courage
Must have a willingness
To win the fight has to have faith
And without flinching, without a look back
To help you God is already up
Whatever God is your Lord
In battle is always winner
He will be with you not in danger
You are saved with all the love.

So sing,
So praise,
Your God is Lord of lords.

So sing,
So praise,
Your God is Lord of lords.

Not so easy to sing
It is much easier to cry
Even singing or crying
Continue onwards
God does everything for that
Not give up the fight.

You must have courage
Must have a willingness
To win the fight has to have faith
And without flinching, without a look back
To help you God is already up
Whatever God is your Lord
In battle is always winner
He will be with you not in danger
You are saved with all the love.

You must have courage
Must have a willingness
To win the fight has to have faith
And without flinching, without a look back
To help you God is already up
Whatever God is your Lord
In battle is always winner
He will be with you not in danger
You are saved with all the love.

With all the love.

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