- 1
Sabbat - Hosanna In Excelsis
- 2
Sabbat - Satan Bless You
- 3
Sabbat - Black Fire
- 4
Sabbat - Black Metal Scythe
- 5
Sabbat - Darkness and Evil
- 6
Sabbat - Envenom Into The Witch's Hole
- 7
Sabbat - Evil Nations
- 8
Sabbat - Hellfire
- 9
Sabbat - Mion's Hill
- 10
Sabbat - Torment In The Pentagram
- 11
Sabbat - Total Destruction
- 12
Sabbat - Total Necro....
- 13
Sabbat - A Cautionary Tale
- 14
Sabbat - A Dead Man's Rob
- 15
Sabbat - Acid Angel
- 16
Sabbat - Advent Of Insanity
- 17
Sabbat - All Over The Desolate Land
- 18
Sabbat - Angel Of Destruction
- 19
Sabbat - Another Collector (The Dwelling Part 2)
- 20
Sabbat - Asian Tyrants
- 21
Sabbat - Baby, Disco Is Fuck
- 22
Sabbat - Behind The Croocked Cross
- 23
Sabbat - Beyond The River
- 24
Sabbat - Bird Of Ill Omen
- 25
Sabbat - Black Magical Circle Of Witches
- 26
Sabbat - Black Metal Volcano
- 27
Sabbat - Blacking Metal
- 28
Sabbat - Blood For The Blood God
- 29
Sabbat - Bloody Countess
- 30
Sabbat - Bowray Zamurai
- 31
Sabbat - Brothers Of Demons
- 32
Sabbat - Burn The Church
- 33
Sabbat - By Thy Command
- 34
Sabbat - Carcassvoice
- 35
Sabbat - Charisma
- 36
Sabbat - Children Of Hell
- 37
Sabbat - Crest Of Satan
- 38
Sabbat - Crying In Last
- 39
Sabbat - Curdle The Blood
- 40
Sabbat - Danse Du Sabbat
- 41
Sabbat - Danse Du Sabbat/Envenom Into The Witch´s Hole
- 42
Sabbat - Death Zone
- 43
Sabbat - Deathtemptation
- 44
Sabbat - Devil Worship
- 45
Sabbat - Disembody To The Abyss
- 46
Sabbat - Do Dark Horses Dream Of Nightmares?
- 47
Sabbat - Dracula
- 48
Sabbat - Dreamscape
- 49
Sabbat - Dumbstruck
- 50
Sabbat - Elixier De Vie
- 51
Sabbat - Eviler
- 52
Sabbat - Evoke The Evil
- 53
Sabbat - Flame On The Circle
- 54
Sabbat - Flower's Red
- 55
Sabbat - For Those Who Died
- 56
Sabbat - Ghost In The Mirror (Kanashibari Part 4)
- 57
Sabbat - Ghost Train
- 58
Sabbat - Gideon
- 59
Sabbat - Godz Of Satan
- 60
Sabbat - Gok Kan Ma
- 61
Sabbat - Hellhouse (Kanashibari part 3)
- 62
Sabbat - Horned Is The Hunter
- 63
Sabbat - How Have The Mighty Fallen?
- 64
Sabbat - I For An Eye
- 65
Sabbat - I'm Your Satan
- 66
Sabbat - Immortality of the Soul
- 67
Sabbat - In League With Devils
- 68
Sabbat - In Satan We Trust
- 69
Sabbat - Incubus Succubus
- 70
Sabbat - Jumu
- 71
Sabbat - Kamikaze Zombies
- 72
Sabbat - Karmagmassacre
- 73
Sabbat - King Of Hell
- 74
Sabbat - Kiss Of Lilleth
- 75
Sabbat - Les Flammes De L'enfer
- 76
Sabbat - Lost In The Grave
- 77
Sabbat - Merciful Forest
- 78
Sabbat - Metalucifer and Evilucifer
- 79
Sabbat - Metamorphosis
- 80
Sabbat - Mourning Has Broken
- 81
Sabbat - Mythistory
- 82
Sabbat - Nekromantik
- 83
Sabbat - Northern Satanism
- 84
Sabbat - Okiku Doll Of The Devil
- 85
Sabbat - Orochie
- 86
Sabbat - paint the world black
- 87
Sabbat - Poison Child
- 88
Sabbat - Possessed Hammer
- 89
Sabbat - Possessed The Room
- 90
Sabbat - Possession Of The Reaper
- 91
Sabbat - Rage Of Mountains
- 92
Sabbat - Rain Of Terror
- 93
Sabbat - Ravens Tell
- 94
Sabbat - Reek Of Cremation
- 95
Sabbat - Registry Of Dark Side
- 96
Sabbat - Reversed Bible
- 97
Sabbat - Root of Ultimate Evil
- 98
Sabbat - Sabasius
- 99
Sabbat - Sabbat
- 100
Sabbat - Sacrifice Of Angel
- 101
Sabbat - Satan Is Beautiful
- 102
Sabbat - Satanasword
- 103
Sabbat - Satanician
- 104
Sabbat - Snow Woman
- 105
Sabbat - Splatter
- 106
Sabbat - The Answer Is Hell
- 107
Sabbat - The Beginning Of The End (Intro)
- 108
Sabbat - The Best Of Enemies
- 109
Sabbat - the church bizzare
- 110
Sabbat - The Clerical Conspiracy
- 111
Sabbat - The Curse Of Phraoh
- 112
Sabbat - The Demise Of History
- 113
Sabbat - The Dwelling - The Melody Of Death Mask
- 114
Sabbat - The Exorcism (Kanashibari Part 5)
- 115
Sabbat - The Gate
- 116
Sabbat - The Imaculate Conception
- 117
Sabbat - The Letter From Death
- 118
Sabbat - The Original Sin
- 119
Sabbat - The Seven Crosses Of Damnation
- 120
Sabbat - The Voice Of Time
- 121
Sabbat - The Well Of Wrath (Kanashibari Part 6)
- 122
Sabbat - The Whisper Of Demon
- 123
Sabbat - Theological Void
- 124
Sabbat - Unknown Massacra
- 125
Sabbat - Wildfire
- 126
Sabbat - Witch Hammers
- 127
Sabbat - Witch's Torches
- 128
Sabbat - Witchflight
- 129
Sabbat - Without A Trace
- 130
Sabbat - Wolf Man
- 131
Sabbat - Yoochuu
The Beginning Of The End (Intro)
My treasures are words
Forged by time in a tale of
Such beauty they cry to be heard
Still a young fool was I as
My story begins
Yet like all fools considered
Myself to be wise -
A match for all things
But the lessons I've learned
I will never forget
When your teacher is life then
Success is survival and
Failure is death
From early years I saw the world
Through tunnel-vision eyes
My cloistered mind philosophized
And fossilized
Secure in my belief was I -
Assured throughout my life the
Only things that could sustain me
Were the words of Jesus Christ
There is no way to fight a foe
Who strikes from the inside
And once within we can begin to
Smite this pagan pride
We shall take their graven images
And grind them in the dirt
For that men can live in paradise
Must be the Devils work
The clerical conspiracy begins
We shall wash away your sins-
We have come to purify
To purge you of your liberty-
Absolve you of all sanity
The 'truth' you want to hear
We shall provide
How can we hope to save these
Heathen when we know not of
Their ways
One of us must journey southward-
Infiltrate and then assuage
Only when we have this knowledge
Can we finalise our plans
Greet them with a velvet glove-
Then crush them 'neath an iron hand
Christian soldiers armed with virtue-
Hearts afire with blind obsession
Cannot see the difference 'twixt
Compassion and oppression
These were the days I believed that
Salvation was mine
When I worshipped apostles
Believing their gospels to be divine
My life drifted by in a warm summer haze-
And I thought I would bath in the light
Of our lord 'till the end of my days
But destiny mocked me-
And fate did bequest
That the strength of my faith in
The Lord God Almighty be put to the test
My son your word is matchless as
A scribe you have been blessed
Your skill and faith in God doth
Qualify you for our quest
You will sail to Southern England
And recount their blasphemies
For the first step in their cure
Must be to learn of their disease
For one so young so great an honour
To be chosen for this task
Have I the strength-
Would I be worthy?
Questions that I dared not ask
Was I to be a missionary searching
For lost souls to save-
Or just another pawn in their
Monastic power games?
The clerical conspiracy begins
We shall wash away your sins-
We have come to purify
To purge you of your liberty-
Absolve you of all sanity
The 'truth' you want to hear
We shall provide
How can we hope to save these
Heathen when we know not of
Their ways
You Wat Brand must journey southward-
Infiltrate and then assuage
Only when we have this knowledge
Can we finalise our plans
Greet them with a velvet glove-
Then crush them 'neath an iron hand
Christian soldiers armed with virtue-
Hearts afire with blind obsession
Cannot see the difference 'twixt
Compassion and oppression
And so with terror in my heart
I learned what had to be
That I must tour these foreign shores-
My cross for company
Those who had preceded me
Of pagan devils warned-
With fearful tales of christian souls
Since martyred on their horns
In my tale I will tell how we
All were deceived-
For in truth I was hunted not
Hunter as I had believed
How could I have known that the
Guide they'd provide was to
Show me far more than I'd ever
Imagined I could have desired?
So soon would I learn
What a fool I had been
There is more than one side to a coin-
Life is not what it seems
It's no more than a dream