- 1
Rush - Tom Sawyer
- 2
Rush - Time Stand Still
- 3
Rush - Fly By Night
- 4
Rush - Limelight
- 5
Rush - Working Man
- 6
Rush - Closer To The Heart
- 7
Rush - Nobody's Hero
- 8
Rush - The Spirit Of Radio
- 9
Rush - Bravado
- 10
Rush - Subdivisions
- 11
Rush - Animate
- 12
Rush - The Trees
- 13
Rush - 2112
- 14
Rush - Roll The Bones
- 15
Rush - The Pass
- 16
Rush - Xanadu
- 17
Rush - Marathon
- 18
Rush - The Garden
- 19
Rush - Freewill
- 20
Rush - Ghost Rider
- 21
Rush - Mission
- 22
Rush - Red Barchetta
- 23
Rush - Anthem
- 24
Rush - Red Sector A
- 25
Rush - Distant Early Warning
- 26
Rush - Stick It Out
- 27
Rush - Circumstances
- 28
Rush - Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres
- 29
Rush - Here Again
- 30
Rush - Manhattan Project
- 31
Rush - Resist
- 32
Rush - Witch Hunt
- 33
Rush - A Farewell To Kings
- 34
Rush - Beneath, Between And Behind
- 35
Rush - Afterimage
- 36
Rush - Cinderella Man
- 37
Rush - Ghost Of A Chance
- 38
Rush - La Villa Strangiato
- 39
Rush - Making Memories
- 40
Rush - Vital Signs
- 41
Rush - Yyz
- 42
Rush - Before And After
- 43
Rush - By Tor And The Snow Dog
- 44
Rush - Natural Science
- 45
Rush - Presto
- 46
Rush - Test For Echo
- 47
Rush - The Big Money
- 48
Rush - Bastille Day
- 49
Rush - Cold Fire
- 50
Rush - Cygnus X-1
- 51
Rush - Losing It
- 52
Rush - The Necromancer
- 53
Rush - Something For Nothing
- 54
Rush - The Twilight Zone
- 55
Rush - Between The Wheels
- 56
Rush - Entre Nous
- 57
Rush - Everyday Glory
- 58
Rush - Finding My Way
- 59
Rush - Need Some Love
- 60
Rush - Tears
- 61
Rush - Between Sun and Moon
- 62
Rush - Digital Man
- 63
Rush - Faithless
- 64
Rush - Force Ten
- 65
Rush - Not Fade Away
- 66
Rush - Show Don't Tell
- 67
Rush - Temples Of Syrinx
- 68
Rush - The Enemy Within
- 69
Rush - A Passage To Bangkok
- 70
Rush - Analog Kid
- 71
Rush - Armor and Sword
- 72
Rush - Best I Can
- 73
Rush - Dreamline
- 74
Rush - In The End
- 75
Rush - Jacob's Ladder
- 76
Rush - Mystic Rhythms
- 77
Rush - Totem
- 78
Rush - Chemistry
- 79
Rush - Different Strings
- 80
Rush - Far Cry
- 81
Rush - In The Mood
- 82
Rush - Madrigal
- 83
Rush - Neurotica
- 84
Rush - New World Man
- 85
Rush - Red Lenses
- 86
Rush - The Color of Right
- 87
Rush - Turn The Page
- 88
Rush - Vapor Trail
- 89
Rush - Workin' Them Angels
- 90
Rush - BU2B
- 91
Rush - Clockwork Angels
- 92
Rush - Driven
- 93
Rush - Earthshine
- 94
Rush - Face Up
- 95
Rush - Half The World
- 96
Rush - Prime Mover
- 97
Rush - Rivendell
- 98
Rush - The Body Electric
- 99
Rush - The Camera Eye
- 100
Rush - The Fountain Of Lamneth
- 101
Rush - The Speed of Love
- 102
Rush - The Wreckers
- 103
Rush - What You're Doing
- 104
Rush - Alien Shore
- 105
Rush - Chain Lightning
- 106
Rush - Countdown
- 107
Rush - Discovery
- 108
Rush - Emotion Detector
- 109
Rush - Heresy
- 110
Rush - Kid Gloves
- 111
Rush - One Little Victory
- 112
Rush - Sweet Miracle
- 113
Rush - Territories
- 114
Rush - The Weapon
- 115
Rush - War Paint
- 116
Rush - Anagram (For Mongo)
- 117
Rush - Caravan
- 118
Rush - Dreamline
- 119
Rush - Freeze (Part IV Of "Fear")
- 120
Rush - Grand Designs
- 121
Rush - Hand Over Fist
- 122
Rush - Headlong Flight
- 123
Rush - I Think I'm Going Bald
- 124
Rush - Lakeside Park
- 125
Rush - Leave That Thing Alone
- 126
Rush - Middletown Dreams
- 127
Rush - Peaceable Kingdom
- 128
Rush - Superconductor
- 129
Rush - Take a Friend
- 130
Rush - The Seeker
- 131
Rush - We hold on
- 132
Rush - Available Light
- 133
Rush - Bravest Face
- 134
Rush - Brought Up To Believe
- 135
Rush - Carve Away The Stone
- 136
Rush - Ceiling Unlimited
- 137
Rush - Crossroads
- 138
Rush - Cut To The Chase
- 139
Rush - Cygnus: Bringer Of Balance
- 140
Rush - Double Agent
- 141
Rush - Fancy Dancer
- 142
Rush - For What It's Worth
- 143
Rush - Grand Finale
- 144
Rush - Halo Effect
- 145
Rush - Lessons
- 146
Rush - Lock And Key
- 147
Rush - Mr. Soul
- 148
Rush - O Re Khuda
- 149
Rush - Open Secrets
- 150
Rush - Panacea
- 151
Rush - Red Tide
- 152
Rush - Scars
- 153
Rush - Second Nature
- 154
Rush - Secret Touch
- 155
Rush - Seven And Seven Is
- 156
Rush - Shapes Of Things
- 157
Rush - Tai Shan
- 158
Rush - The Big Wheel
- 159
Rush - The Stars Look Down
- 160
Rush - The Way The Wind Blows
- 161
Rush - Virtuality
- 162
Rush - You Bet Your Life
- 163
Rush - Apollo: Bringer Of Wisdom
- 164
Rush - BU2B2
- 165
Rush - Carnies
- 166
Rush - Chup Chup Ke
- 167
Rush - Dionysus: Bringer Of Love
- 168
Rush - Dog Years
- 169
Rush - Good News First
- 170
Rush - Heart Full Of Soul
- 171
Rush - High Water
- 172
Rush - Hote Hote
- 173
Rush - How It Is
- 174
Rush - Limbo
- 175
Rush - Mumkin Nahin
- 176
Rush - Nocturne
- 177
Rush - Out Of The Cradle
- 178
Rush - Presentation
- 179
Rush - Priests Of Syrinx
- 180
Rush - Pritam Chakraborty
- 181
Rush - Seven Cities Of Gold
- 182
Rush - Soliloquy
- 183
Rush - Spindrift
- 184
Rush - Stars Look Down
- 185
Rush - Summertime Blues
- 186
Rush - The Anarchist
- 187
Rush - The Dream
- 188
Rush - The Larger Bowl
- 189
Rush - The Larger Bowl Tradução
- 190
Rush - The Voyage Prologue
- 191
Rush - Time And Motion
- 192
Rush - Virtutuality
- 193
Rush - Wish Them Well
Halo Effect
What did I see?
Fool that I was
A goddess, with wings on her heels
All my illusions
Projected on her
The ideal, that I wanted to see
What did I know?
Fool that I was
Little by little, I learned
My friends were dismayed
To see my betrayed
But they knew they could never tell me
What did I care?
Fool that I was
Little by little, I burned
Maybe sometimes
There might be a flaw
But how pretty the picture was back then
What did I do?
Fool that I was
To profit from youthful mistakes?
It's shameful to tell
How often I fell
In love with illusions again
So shameful to tell
Just how often I fell
In love with illusions again
A goddess with wings on her heels ...