We swore on a rock garden grave
To the ones we love who've already changed
Far too soon when, early still, were the days of our lives
That we'd give back more than we take
Sometimes, I feel like an old buccaneer
Sailing where no one else goes
I'd trade in a heartbeat all of my gold
For one minute more with my love
We lifted from the fog-laden rivеr
Baptized with a steely resolve to keep on
Outrunning thе darkness and loneliness spreading like fire
Leaving the hollowed and ashen in our wake
Sometimes, I feel like an old pioneer
One misstep away from my end
I'd trade in a heartbeat all that I've seen
For one minute more with my love
The morning is bright, bells swing through the streets
Ascended by birdsong which has always been
Like the bonds we make, steadfast from loose thread
Love is a way of living, not the means to an end
Well, I'm just a dreamer, an old balladeer
Searching for new words to say
I'd trade my own heartbeat and a well-traveled world
For one minute more with my love