[Choir, except Ricky]
When the fall fair comes to town!
[Ocean and Constance]
Oh, step right up!
All goog, good fun
All the games and rides
A little something for everyone!
When the fall fair comes to town!
[Noel and Mischa]
When the fall fair comes to town!
Tonight, my apology, a eulogy by way of a concert
The final concert of the now deceased Saint Cassian chamber choir
[Choir, except Ricky]
When the fall fair comes
Fall fair comes
Fall fair comes
Fall fair, fall fair, fall fair, fall fair
When the fall not fair
This ride goes where?
Tonight, I wish to give them the chance to express not what they were perceived to be
But what they dreamt they were
Tonight, we shall raise a middle finger to that ruthless adjudicator called time
La la la la la la la la la
Something doesn't feel quite right
A blur of coloured spinning light
[Ocean and Constance]
My heart is racing, pounding in my ears
Dizzy tingling's spinning 'round
Where's the sky and where's the ground?
The rabbit comes and then he disappears
[Ocean and Constance]
Total darkness, spinning black
[Noel, Mischa and Ricky]
Pushing forward, pulling back
Falling through the air
I wonder how can this be fair?
What a load of freaking junk!
That crusty Carrne, clearly drunk!
Sue that fair for everything they've got!
What's the point of even suing?
Dead, we're done! There's no undoing!
Nothing left to do except to rot!
Sex? Oh God, why did I wait?
Now, I'll never graduate!
I hope I wiped my browser history clean!
Why did I even go to class?
Algebra 12, kiss my ass!
Now I know what YOLO really means!
Carpe diem!
What a lovely theme!
C'est la vie!
Life is just a dream!
Just a dream!
And then you're sailing through space
You don't know up from down
And you feel a little strange
From all that spinning round
And everything you loved
And everything you dreamed
And everything you feared
And everything that seems so
Oh, so terrifying
Is far behind on the ground
Like our far-from-the-city-little-itty-bitty-pretty hometown
Just a teeny tiny dot
On a wee blue ball
And we've all been spinning
[Misha, Noel and Ricky]
All been spinning
[Ocean and Constance]
Been spinning
[Choir, except Ocean]
Round and round and round
And round and round
Round and round
Had a strange feeling from the start
Bought our tickets, stood in line, a rickety cart
I did not feel safe at all
Tick-a tick-a toward the crack!
[Choir and Jane]
Down the drop now I know we're never going back!
But what really happens?
What happens after?
(Ah! Ah!)