Jesus, my healing
I will reach for your hem
My great physician
Death is not how it ends
The work was finished
At calvary
Your body broken
So, mine is complete
My testimony of faith will be
Because of Christ
There's a miracle in me
Because of Christ
There's a miracle in me
My breakthrough
Here and still on the way
By your stripes
And every bitter wound
Oh, I'm not leaving here the same
The work was finished
At calvary
Your body broken
So, mine is complete
My testimony of faith will be
Because of Christ
There's a miracle in me
Because of Christ
There's a miracle in me
Oh, we believe it
You're the healer, Jesus
By your stripes we receive our healing
By your sacrifice we are made new
Oh, what a gift we have in Jesus
What a gift we have in Jesus
Oh oh
Yeah, come on, you guys
If he said it, he means it
And he said it 2,000 years ago: It is finished
And he meant it
With all of his heart
Which means that you cannot remove yourself from his grace
And that means you cannot remove yourself from his love
It was purchased with his blood
And it was sealed with his resurrection
Come on, let's sing this out
There's power in the cross
Let's go
There's power in the cross
Power in Jesus' blood
There's power in the promise it is done
There's power in the cross
Power in Jesus' blood
There's power in the promise it is done
I'm covered by your cross
Covered by Jesus' blood
I'm covered by your promise it is done
I'm covered by your cross
Covered by Jesus' blood
I'm covered by your promise it is done
Oh, it is done
Yeah, it is done
The work was finished
At calvary
Your body broken
So, mine is now complete
My testimony of faith will be
Because of Christ
There's a miracle in me
The work was finished
At calvary
Your body broken
So, mine is complete
(So, mine is now complete)
My testimony of faith will be
Because of Christ
There's a miracle in me
(Yeah, come on remind yourself today)
Because of Christ
There's a miracle in me
(One more time)
Because of Christ
There's a miracle in me
(Thank you, lord)
(Thank you, lord)
(What a gift we have in you, Jesus)