Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy? Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy? Giddy and foolish all day long Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy?
A horse and a flea and three blind mice Sat on a curbstone shooting dice The horse, he slipped and fell on the flea "Whoops," said the flea "There's a horse on me!"
Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy? Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy? Giddy and foolish all day long Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy?
Eli, Eli, he sells socks Five cents a pair and a dollar a box The longer you wear them the shorter they get You put 'em in the water and they don't get wet
Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy? Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy? Giddy and foolish all day long Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy? Boom boom Ain't it great to be crazy?