- 1
Radiohead - Creep
- 2
Radiohead - Karma Police
- 3
Radiohead - No Surprises
- 4
Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
- 5
Radiohead - Exit Music (For A Film)
- 6
Radiohead - Let Down
- 7
Radiohead - All I Need
- 8
Radiohead - High And Dry
- 9
Radiohead - Creep (Acoustic)
- 10
Radiohead - Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
- 11
Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling Into Place
- 12
Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely
- 13
Radiohead - Paranoid Android
- 14
Radiohead - Nude
- 15
Radiohead - Black Star
- 16
Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out)
- 17
Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place
- 18
Radiohead - True Love Waits
- 19
Radiohead - Just
- 20
Radiohead - My Iron Lung
- 21
Radiohead - House Of Cards
- 22
Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack
- 23
Radiohead - Reckoner
- 24
Radiohead - You
- 25
Radiohead - There, There
- 26
Radiohead - (Nice Dream)
- 27
Radiohead - 2 + 2 = 5
- 28
Radiohead - Subterranean Homesick Alien
- 29
Radiohead - 15 Step
- 30
Radiohead - Lotus Flower
- 31
Radiohead - The Bends
- 32
Radiohead - Airbag
- 33
Radiohead - Climbing Up The Walls
- 34
Radiohead - Man Of War
- 35
Radiohead - Lucky
- 36
Radiohead - I Promise
- 37
Radiohead - Scatterbrain
- 38
Radiohead - Sulk
- 39
Radiohead - Bulletproof... I Wish I Was
- 40
Radiohead - Sail To The Moon
- 41
Radiohead - Pyramid Song
- 42
Radiohead - Thinking About You
- 43
Radiohead - Daydreaming
- 44
Radiohead - A Wolf At The Door
- 45
Radiohead - Fitter Happier
- 46
Radiohead - Idioteque
- 47
Radiohead - Lift
- 48
Radiohead - The Tourist
- 49
Radiohead - Videotape
- 50
Radiohead - You And Whose Army?
- 51
Radiohead - Talk Show Host
- 52
Radiohead - Knives Out
- 53
Radiohead - Present Tense
- 54
Radiohead - Bodysnatchers
- 55
Radiohead - Planet Telex
- 56
Radiohead - Last Flowers
- 57
Radiohead - Blow Out
- 58
Radiohead - Codex
- 59
Radiohead - Spectre
- 60
Radiohead - Optimistic
- 61
Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong
- 62
Radiohead - Burn The Witch
- 63
Radiohead - Decks Dark
- 64
Radiohead - Go Slowly
- 65
Radiohead - Bones
- 66
Radiohead - Electioneering
- 67
Radiohead - India Rubber
- 68
Radiohead - Myxomatosis
- 69
Radiohead - The Daily Mail
- 70
Radiohead - I Can't
- 71
Radiohead - The National Anthem
- 72
Radiohead - Glass Eyes
- 73
Radiohead - Morning Bell
- 74
Radiohead - Faust ARP
- 75
Radiohead - How Do You?
- 76
Radiohead - Identikit
- 77
Radiohead - Life In a Glasshouse
- 78
Radiohead - Vegetable
- 79
Radiohead - Where I End And You Begin
- 80
Radiohead - How Can You Be Sure?
- 81
Radiohead - Kid A
- 82
Radiohead - Prove Yourself
- 83
Radiohead - Anyone Can Play Guitar
- 84
Radiohead - Stop Whispering
- 85
Radiohead - The Amazing Sounds of Orgy
- 86
Radiohead - Ful Stop
- 87
Radiohead - In Limbo
- 88
Radiohead - Separator
- 89
Radiohead - Bloom
- 90
Radiohead - Give Up The Ghost
- 91
Radiohead - Nobody Does It Better
- 92
Radiohead - If You Say The Word
- 93
Radiohead - Ripcord
- 94
Radiohead - Treefingers
- 95
Radiohead - Up On The Ladder
- 96
Radiohead - A Punchup At a Wedding
- 97
Radiohead - Dollars And Cents
- 98
Radiohead - Down Is The New Up
- 99
Radiohead - Gagging Order
- 100
Radiohead - I Want None Of This
- 101
Radiohead - The Numbers
- 102
Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates
- 103
Radiohead - Lurgee
- 104
Radiohead - The Gloaming
- 105
Radiohead - Yes I Am
- 106
Radiohead - Attention
- 107
Radiohead - Be Quiet And Drive
- 108
Radiohead - Follow Me Around
- 109
Radiohead - Go To Sleep
- 110
Radiohead - I Will
- 111
Radiohead - Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
- 112
Radiohead - Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief
- 113
Radiohead - A Reminder
- 114
Radiohead - Amnesiac / Morning Bell
- 115
Radiohead - Bangers and Mash
- 116
Radiohead - Little By Little
- 117
Radiohead - Meeting in the Aisle
- 118
Radiohead - Morning Mr. Magpie
- 119
Radiohead - Reckoner (Acoustic)
- 120
Radiohead - Wish You Were Here
- 121
Radiohead - 4 Minute Warning
- 122
Radiohead - A Simple Life
- 123
Radiohead - Fog
- 124
Radiohead - How I Made My Millions
- 125
Radiohead - Permanent Daylight
- 126
Radiohead - Pulk / Pull Revolving Doors
- 127
Radiohead - Untitled
- 128
Radiohead - All Eyes On You
- 129
Radiohead - I Froze Up
- 130
Radiohead - Ill Wind
- 131
Radiohead - Lozenge of Love
- 132
Radiohead - Lull
- 133
Radiohead - Million Dollar Question
- 134
Radiohead - Nosso Dharma
- 135
Radiohead - Packt Like Sardines In a Crushd Tin Box
- 136
Radiohead - Sing a Song for You
- 137
Radiohead - Staircase
- 138
Radiohead - The Trickster
- 139
Radiohead - Banana Co
- 140
Radiohead - Coke Babies
- 141
Radiohead - Desert Island Disk
- 142
Radiohead - Hunting Bears
- 143
Radiohead - Inside My Head
- 144
Radiohead - Lewis (Mistreated)
- 145
Radiohead - Molasses
- 146
Radiohead - Palo Alto
- 147
Radiohead - Pearly
- 148
Radiohead - Polyethylene (parts 1 & 2)
- 149
Radiohead - Putting Ketchup In The Fridge (How do You Sit Still)
- 150
Radiohead - Sunday, Bloody Sunday
- 151
Radiohead - Supercollider
- 152
Radiohead - Worrywort
- 153
Radiohead - You Never Wash Up After Yourself
- 154
Radiohead - Backdrifts
- 155
Radiohead - Beware Of Falling Rocks
- 156
Radiohead - Big Ideas
- 157
Radiohead - Bishop's Robes
- 158
Radiohead - Cut a Hole
- 159
Radiohead - Cuttooth
- 160
Radiohead - Feral
- 161
Radiohead - Give it Up
- 162
Radiohead - Harry Patch (In Memory Of)
- 163
Radiohead - I Am a Wicked Child
- 164
Radiohead - Killer Cars
- 165
Radiohead - Pop Is Dead
- 166
Radiohead - Sit Down Stand Up
- 167
Radiohead - The Butcher
- 168
Radiohead - These Are My Twisted Words
- 169
Radiohead - This Mess We're In
- 170
Radiohead - We Suck Young Blood
- 171
Radiohead - 2HB
- 172
Radiohead - After The Goldrush
- 173
Radiohead - Are You Someone?
- 174
Radiohead - Astronaut (fear. Ani DiFranco)
- 175
Radiohead - Ceremony
- 176
Radiohead - Cymbal Rush
- 177
Radiohead - Faithless The Wonder Boy
- 178
Radiohead - Good Morning Mr. Magpie Or Morning M'lord
- 179
Radiohead - I Am Citizen Insane
- 180
Radiohead - I've Seen It All
- 181
Radiohead - Innocents Civilian
- 182
Radiohead - Kinetic
- 183
Radiohead - Maquiladora
- 184
Radiohead - Melatonin
- 185
Radiohead - Nothing Touches Me
- 186
Radiohead - On The Beach
- 187
Radiohead - Paperbag Writer
- 188
Radiohead - Phillipa Chicken
- 189
Radiohead - Rabbit In Your Headlights
- 190
Radiohead - Rhinestone Cowboy
- 191
Radiohead - Shot By Both Sides
- 192
Radiohead - Stupid Car
- 193
Radiohead - The Headmaster Ritual
- 194
Radiohead - The Rip
- 195
Radiohead - The Thief
- 196
Radiohead - Trans-Atlantic Drawl
- 197
Radiohead - Union City Blue
- 198
Radiohead - Unravel
- 199
Radiohead - Video Killed The Radio Star
- 200
Radiohead - Winter Wonderland
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fucking special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't care if it hurts
I wanna have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
Oh, oh
She's running out the door
She's running out
She run, run, run, run
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here