in a pressurised cabin i will write letters blue and white deputies of hope and honesty i will stare outside and photograph the flight trace the swimming lights a collision course for continents and me
although the air is thin you know it rushes by but it's a home for us oh the pleasure is all mine and all the images are running through my head however many time still there's room for one more yet
in a winter sky twin blankets for the night tears stream from my eyes blotting on the envelopes from me i will close my eyes and picture wider aisles families on each side the ceremony doesn't frighten me
although the air is thin you know it rushes by but it's a home for us oh the pleasure is all mine we used to worry more we used to be concerned it's all forgotten now we'll fly in circles round the earth so seating E to I oh you're the neighbours now we're going to stay up here we're never going to come back down and all the images are running through my head however many times still there's room for one more yet