Felt a pang late one afternoon I was fishin' off Muir beach with Larry LaLonde Grabbed a tuna salad sandwich and I started to chew Pretty soon Ler's yellin', "Fish on"
Fish on
I was just a little pup and it was derby day It was dad and me and Darrell out in San Pablo bay Taco-flavored Doritos and my orange life vest Dad caught a hundred pound sturgeon on twenty-pound test Now he fought that fish for 'bout an hour and a half Darrell'd say: Jump ya sons a bitch, and he grabbed for the gaff When we got him in the boat he measured six foot long I was so danged impressed I had to write this song called Fish On
Fish on
T'was a bright and sunny day, it was me and Todd Huth Fishin' shark and stingray out of Bolinas Lagoon Well, hey, hey, hey, I'll be screwed, blued and tattooed Looks like I got me one of them fish on