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B.Miles - Salt
Bekuh Boom - My Night
Lemaitre - Closer (feat. Jennie A.)
Lorde - The Louvre
Vanesa Martín - Hablarán de Tí Y de Mi
Tara Chinn - Maybe I'm The Monster
Ria Moran - Own Devices
Sweet California - Good Life
Vandarth - Waiting For Me
Elizabeth Riordan - I'm In Love With You
Jes Hudak - Different Worlds
Kat Green - If You Stay (feat. Thomas Dean Pugh-Fields)
Three Laws - Give Me Hope
Beds and Beats - Addicted To You
Altitude Music - It's You
Extreme Music - Don't Try
Camille Beluze - Lovely World
Louise Dowd - Fade (feat. Antoinette Halliday & Stephen William Cornish)
Cate Song - Still
Heterogenius - When Love Takes Flight
Brice Davoli - The Flame (feat. Valérie Deniz)
Lana McDonagh - Broken Beauty
Dan Holman - Never Gonna Wait Forever (feat. Marc Ferrari)
Thunder and Snow - Better Off
Mackenzie Green - Break The Dam
Amanda Leigh Wilson - Wires
Bre Kennedy - Intoxicated
Martha Bean - You Are Everything
Ben Cocks - So Cold
Three Laws - The Temple
Claude Pelouse - Candy (Female Vocals)
Stephane Huguenin - One Life To Live (feat. Ange Fandoh)
Rehya Stevens - Anything For You (feat. Kyle Castellani)
Timothy Elliott - Rags To Riches
Tamar Kaprelian - Yours To Keep
Jacob Miller - Slipping Away
Hattie Whitehead - First Bloom
Heterogenius - Feels Like Flying
Marc Ferrari - Nothing But Gold (feat. David Isaac Feldstein & Eric J Berdon)
Josh Auer - Hold Me Down
Vitamin A - Isn't It Good
Kaliyo - Take What You Can Get
Alex Band - Take Me Back
Louise Dowd - The One Exception (feat. Atmosphere)
Ben Cocks - Your Song
Three Laws - Passages
Andrea Perry - Awake (feat. Lily Hickman Waldon)
David O'Dowda - All We Have Is Time
Louise Dowd - Right For You (feat. Klas Whal)
Phil Wickham - The First Noel
David G. Cox - Sparrows
Sarah McGowan - Young Bride
Robin Loxley - Only Human (feat. Wolfgang Black)
Heterogenius - Can't Stop Thinking Bout You
Amanda Leigh Wilson - Falling Down
The Everlove - On Our Way
Tauese Tofa - Everything
Stephane Huguenin - My Empty Sky (feat. Ange Fandoh)
David Goldsmith - Once In a Life
Lana McDonagh - Hush Baby
SATV Music - Fly
Kenzo Bond - Fading Beauty
Amanda Leigh Wilson - Standing Tall (feat. Stephen William Cornish)
Ria Moran - Something About You (feat. Sam Joseph)
DeeJay Pin-Up - Breakaway (feat. Richard Harris)
Three Laws - Just The Night
Tauese Tofa - Don't Let Her Fall (feat. Renee Tofa)
Louise Dowd - After You
Boris Nonte - Champions
Hannah Wildes - Sirens
Fired Earth Music - We Are Strong