I'll meet you here here at the finish line Waving the flags our fathers built for us Colours of gold the streets are all aligned They're aligning for us There's cameras and lights and family everywhere More than my life I want to make you proud See I had the words but they escaped my mouth They fell to the ground
Explosions in the sky People looking by but I can't leave you I won't see you left behind Carry us through fire I couldn't say goodbye Cause I cant leave you I won't see you left behind
The race goes on and on Unexpected voices cheer as we're going down Confetti flies expecting to be the one It's the only one
When there's a face without a name These explosions just a game In a matter of days I'll never be the same Tomorrow can I change? If I stop looking at myself maybe I'll see someone else Needs greater than I have they need all we have These cliques just don't click they won't fix the problem I've got them but i choose not to become them So open up it's bright outside I would usually stand here I'm thinking we should figh