Little magdalene, we all know about the places that you've been You think you're hidden there but everyone has seen And they can see you now you're out in the rain It's five a.m. And you're on some corner again Soaking wet and there's no taxi with your name, you say...
I take sweets from strangers You got a car then let's take a ride Wanna see some places Gotta make some changes Gotta do some living tonight I'm not shy
Never unseen, you ventured out into the great in-between The eucalyptus and the burnt gasoline On dusty nowhere roads you hitch yourself a ride With a burnt-down man who's eyes are still wide And all that you can talk about is suicide, you say..
I take sweets from strangers You got a car then let's take a ride Wanna see some places Gotta make some changes Gotta do some living tonight I'm not shy