- 1
Manchester Orchestra - The Silence
- 2
Manchester Orchestra - I Know How To Speak
- 3
Manchester Orchestra - The Gold
- 4
Manchester Orchestra - The Sunshine
- 5
Manchester Orchestra - The Alien
- 6
Manchester Orchestra - The Way
- 7
Manchester Orchestra - Angel of Death
- 8
Manchester Orchestra - Bed Head
- 9
Manchester Orchestra - The Mistake
- 10
Manchester Orchestra - Capital Karma
- 11
Manchester Orchestra - Colly Strings
- 12
Manchester Orchestra - I've Got Friends
- 13
Manchester Orchestra - Telepath
- 14
Manchester Orchestra - The Maze
- 15
Manchester Orchestra - Top Notch
- 16
Manchester Orchestra - Virgin
- 17
Manchester Orchestra - All That I Really Wanted
- 18
Manchester Orchestra - Annie
- 19
Manchester Orchestra - Dinosaur
- 20
Manchester Orchestra - Girl With Broken Wings
- 21
Manchester Orchestra - I Can Feel Your Pain
- 22
Manchester Orchestra - Let It Storm
- 23
Manchester Orchestra - See It Again
- 24
Manchester Orchestra - Simple Math
- 25
Manchester Orchestra - The Grocery
- 26
Manchester Orchestra - The Internet
- 27
Manchester Orchestra - The Neighborhood Is Bleeding
- 28
Manchester Orchestra - The Ocean
- 29
Manchester Orchestra - Choose You
- 30
Manchester Orchestra - Cope
- 31
Manchester Orchestra - Girl Harbor
- 32
Manchester Orchestra - I Can Feel A Hot One
- 33
Manchester Orchestra - I Love You, I'm Sorry, Please Help Me, Thank You
- 34
Manchester Orchestra - I'd Rather Have
- 35
Manchester Orchestra - Inaudible
- 36
Manchester Orchestra - Keel Timing
- 37
Manchester Orchestra - Left Your Body
- 38
Manchester Orchestra - Now That You'Re Home
- 39
Manchester Orchestra - Shake It Out
- 40
Manchester Orchestra - The Mansion
- 41
Manchester Orchestra - The Wolf
- 42
Manchester Orchestra - Way Back
- 43
Manchester Orchestra - Wolves At Night
- 44
Manchester Orchestra - 100 Dollars
- 45
Manchester Orchestra - After The Scripture
- 46
Manchester Orchestra - Alice And Interiors
- 47
Manchester Orchestra - Anne Louise
- 48
Manchester Orchestra - Apprehension
- 49
Manchester Orchestra - April Fool
- 50
Manchester Orchestra - Architect (feat. Frightened Rabbit)
- 51
Manchester Orchestra - Army
- 52
Manchester Orchestra - Bad Things To Such Good People
- 53
Manchester Orchestra - Badges And Badges
- 54
Manchester Orchestra - Deer
- 55
Manchester Orchestra - Do You Really Like Being Alone
- 56
Manchester Orchestra - Don't Let Them See You Cry
- 57
Manchester Orchestra - Everything To Nothing
- 58
Manchester Orchestra - Go
- 59
Manchester Orchestra - Golden Ticket
- 60
Manchester Orchestra - Goodbye To The Liars
- 61
Manchester Orchestra - How I Waited
- 62
Manchester Orchestra - I Am A Book, Torn
- 63
Manchester Orchestra - I Can Barely Breathe
- 64
Manchester Orchestra - I Was A Lid
- 65
Manchester Orchestra - I Wrote It Down For You
- 66
Manchester Orchestra - In My Teeth
- 67
Manchester Orchestra - Indentions
- 68
Manchester Orchestra - It's Ok With Me
- 69
Manchester Orchestra - Jimmy, He Whispers
- 70
Manchester Orchestra - La-Di-Da
- 71
Manchester Orchestra - Lake House
- 72
Manchester Orchestra - Lead, SD
- 73
Manchester Orchestra - Leaky Breaks
- 74
Manchester Orchestra - Leave It Alone
- 75
Manchester Orchestra - Letting Go
- 76
Manchester Orchestra - Lose You Again
- 77
Manchester Orchestra - Marked Unknown
- 78
Manchester Orchestra - Mighty
- 79
Manchester Orchestra - My Friend Marcus
- 80
Manchester Orchestra - Myths Made Plain
- 81
Manchester Orchestra - Neighborhood
- 82
Manchester Orchestra - No Hard Feelings
- 83
Manchester Orchestra - No Reward
- 84
Manchester Orchestra - Obstacle
- 85
Manchester Orchestra - Opposite Sides
- 86
Manchester Orchestra - Pale Black Eye
- 87
Manchester Orchestra - Pensacola
- 88
Manchester Orchestra - Play It Again, Sam! You Don't Have Any Feathers
- 89
Manchester Orchestra - Pride
- 90
Manchester Orchestra - Quietly
- 91
Manchester Orchestra - Rear View
- 92
Manchester Orchestra - Sacred Heart
- 93
Manchester Orchestra - Sleeper 1972
- 94
Manchester Orchestra - Slow To Learn
- 95
Manchester Orchestra - Supposed To Be
- 96
Manchester Orchestra - Table For Glasses
- 97
Manchester Orchestra - The After Party
- 98
Manchester Orchestra - The Moth
- 99
Manchester Orchestra - The Only One
- 100
Manchester Orchestra - The Parts
- 101
Manchester Orchestra - The Procession
- 102
Manchester Orchestra - The River
- 103
Manchester Orchestra - Tony The Tiger
- 104
Manchester Orchestra - Trees
- 105
Manchester Orchestra - UFO
- 106
Manchester Orchestra - Wheel Well
- 107
Manchester Orchestra - Where Have You Been?
- 108
Manchester Orchestra - You, My Pride & Me
Do You Really Like Being Alone
Manchester Orchestra
From Birmingham and back again for you
In the end they say we'll see the truth
What a shocking beauty we can both abuse
So I folded my hands into a bird
The shadows made you laugh
They made you sunburned
And I stitched my faith into your shirt
To make sure nobody but me was getting hurt
And you love being cast as the fool
In a movie no one ever pays to sit through
Just calm down it will be over soon
And god I wonder what it is I'd do without you
Do you really like being alone?
Do you really like being alone?
La di da da da da
And the lord made me confront my past
We asked each other to explain the mess
I believed with enough good I'd mend
But any good I had was always simply tempered
And I tried hard to sing like they did
With my arms raised in the air I was praising
You said that when we died it would send
But maybe even Jesus knew that I was faking
Do you really like being alone
Goddamn of course you don't
Do you really like being alone
Do you really like being alone
Wouldn't blame you if you went back home
And got an actual job
And you kissed your wife and your two daughters
Like I wished I could
And I think that we'd be free
Oh my god I think you finally feel free
I don't really like being alone
God of course I don't
I don't really like being alone
I don't really like being alone
I think I might just go back home
And get an actual job
Stop selling my soul to the devil
He buys so much merch from us
And I think he'd set us free
Yeah I think he'd cut the chains
And set you and me free
Do you really like being alone?
Cause I don't really like being alone
Do you really like being alone?
I think I might just go back home
And get an actual job
And tell both my redneck neighbors
To bring their dogs inside
And I could get some sleep
Cause I think all I need
Is a decent night sleep