- 1
Man On The Internet - The World Revolving
- 2
Man On The Internet - Hopes And Dreams
- 3
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Bytes - Trial By Fury
- 4
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - A Mother's Love
- 5
Man On The Internet - Your Best Nightmare
- 6
Man On The Internet - Bergentrückung
- 7
Man On The Internet - Death By Glamour
- 8
Man On The Internet - Megalovania (feat. Steel)
- 9
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Bytes - End of the Line
- 10
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - DANZA!
- 11
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Forlorn
- 12
Man On The Internet - Entry Number 17 - Dark Darker Yet Darker (feat. Tom Previte)
- 13
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Grimm
- 14
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Radiance
- 15
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight Musical Bytes - Hornet (feat. EmilyGo)
- 16
Man On The Internet - Power of NEO
- 17
Man On The Internet - Undertale
- 18
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Best Friends Forever
- 19
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Protocol
- 20
Man On The Internet - Attack of the Killer Queen
- 21
Man On The Internet - Battle Against a True Hero
- 22
Man On The Internet - Bonetrousle
- 23
Man On The Internet - Deltarune The (not) Musical - Chaos King
- 24
Man On The Internet - Floral Fury
- 25
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Nosk
- 26
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight Musical Bytes - Dirtmouth
- 27
Man On The Internet - It's Raining Somewhere
- 28
Man On The Internet - Once Upon a Time
- 29
Man On The Internet - Pathetic House
- 30
Man On The Internet - Pokemon - Vs. AI Professor Sada/Turo
- 31
Man On The Internet - Undertale The Musical - Bring It In, Guys
- 32
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow - Guns Blazing
- 33
Man On The Internet - Alphys
- 34
Man On The Internet - Dogs Approaching
- 35
Man On The Internet - Entrada de Número 17
- 36
Man On The Internet - Fallen Down
- 37
Man On The Internet - Fallen Down Reprise
- 38
Man On The Internet - Ghost Fight
- 39
Man On The Internet - Heartache
- 40
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Broken Vessel
- 41
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Dung Defender
- 42
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Mantis Lords
- 43
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Sealed Vessel
- 44
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Truth, Beauty and Hatred
- 45
Man On The Internet - Home
- 46
Man On The Internet - In The Final
- 47
Man On The Internet - Lancer
- 48
Man On The Internet - Let's Dating Love
- 49
Man On The Internet - Memory
- 50
Man On The Internet - Metal Crusher
- 51
Man On The Internet - Metal Man
- 52
Man On The Internet - Roulxs Kaard
- 53
Man On The Internet - Ruins
- 54
Man On The Internet - Snowdin Carol
- 55
Man On The Internet - Songvember - Hive Knight (Hollow Knight)
- 56
Man On The Internet - Songvember - Power of NEO (Unfinished Mix) (UNDERTALE)
- 57
Man On The Internet - Star (feat. Eisebee)
- 58
Man On The Internet - Turn Around And Shake My Hand
- 59
Man On The Internet - Undertale The Musical - Core
- 60
Man On The Internet - Undertale The Musical - Spear Of Justice
- 61
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow - Fever Pitch
- 62
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Bytes - Deal 'Em Out
- 63
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Meltdown
- 64
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Showdown!
- 65
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Tenth Level Lockdown
- 66
Man On The Internet - Undyne
- 67
Man On The Internet - Waterfall
- 68
Man On The Internet - Your Best Friend
- 69
Man On The Internet - Your Best Friend Reprise
- 70
Man On The Internet - Zero Two
Man On The Internet
I've never had a friend like you before!
Come on!
Through the water, two best friends go in
Through the thick and thin
We'll go arm-in-not-arm!
You can hold things, and I can
I can give a boost!
It'll be great!
We'll get to Undyne in no time!
Just the two of us!
Every monster
Wishes they could be
As great as Undyne
With her power and charm!
Or maybe it's just me
Mom says I have an unhealthy obsession
And project a lot!
What do you think?
Do you think she's cool?
Or should I just-
Stop right there, human!
Human? Where?
Seven, seven human souls
And with yours, we can-
Hey! Get back here!
Quit running and face your death like a man!
Woman, child!
Hey, quit messing with my friend!
They're a human!
You can't be friends!
Wait, really? I didn't know that!
Yeah, well, watch and see what happens
To humans who-
It doesn't look like
They're running very far (just)
Get out of there, you little brat!
Come on and face me
Like a man-woman-child!
If it weren't for that grass
I'd kick your-
I mean, If it weren't for that grooty
I'd kick your booty!
Don't ask me what a grooty is!
Undyne sure was mad, huh?
Listen, uh
She says
She says we can't be friends
So I think I have to say something mean
You're-you're ugly, and you stink!
Ha! There! It's official!
We're not friends!
So, um, as not friends
You wanna hang out some more?
Before my parents get mad
And call me home and stuff?
Like-like here! You see all these?
They're echo flowers!
I hear if you be real quiet around 'em
You can hear 'em repeat a song for you!
So be quiet!
Be quiet!
Let's listen!
Deep Down, Whispers
We can hear them all
Your inner voice
What will it tell us?
The deepest abyss of your soul
It can't hide
Conflict, turmoil
Unfaltering kindness
All those feelings mixed up
An array of thoughts
Will you fight or show
True mercy
You have to make that choice
Will you save our friends
Escape then
Show them the world above
Will you set him free
Write your wish in the dust
Two sides are playing
A tough game
An endless tug of war
Which will win?
Savior or murderer?
Huh, I wonder what that means?
Ooh! Ooh! And if you poke 'em
They repeat phrases instead!
See, watch!
Behind you
I wonder what that me-
Oh! That's what that means!
Hi Undyne!
Nowhere to run this ti-
Oh come on!
I guess you gotta go now!
Bye! I'm waving at you!
I have had just about enough
Of this running-and-hiding bull huey!
I didn't realize that I was hunting for garbage!
Wow, Undyne!
You just sent 'em flying off!
And the bridge they were on
And part of the cliff on that-
I know, kid!
Hey! You okay down there?
Seeing you run from Undyne was pretty cool!
You and I are gonna have
A serious talk, kid!
Bye! Don't die while I'm away!