Songvember - Hive Knight (Hollow Knight)
Born of a thousand drones
Sworn to protect my own
Sworn to destroy all
Who'd dare defile Vespa's throne!
B is for bastion of defense
Beware my sting or you'll meet your end!
Be on your guard when you're in our hive
Because no soul leaves this place alive!
On the wings I lack
I fly on the attack for our queen
Take flight, arms against the light
Fight for her endless dream!
B is for bastion of defense
Beware my sting or you'll meet your end!
Be on your guard when you're in our hive
Because no soul leaves this place alive!
En garde, pale one!
I am our queen's wall!
Child of midnight's Sun!
Here and now you fall!
Now your game is done!
Ever on we ride
Honey on our minds
Ever guard the hive
Our queen never dies!
Ever to pollinate
Ever sworn to our fate
For the queen's dream till wake
Foes we shall terminate
Born of a thousand drones
Sworn to protect my own
Sworn to destroy all
Who'd dare defile Vespa's throne!
B is for bastion of defense
Beware my sting or you'll meet your end!
Be on your guard when you're in our hive
Because no soul leaves this place alive!