- 1
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Bytes - Trial By Fury
- 2
Man On The Internet - Hopes And Dreams
- 3
Man On The Internet - The World Revolving
- 4
Man On The Internet - Death By Glamour
- 5
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight Musical Bytes - Hornet (feat. EmilyGo)
- 6
Man On The Internet - Megalovania (feat. Steel)
- 7
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - A Mother's Love
- 8
Man On The Internet - Bergentrückung
- 9
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Best Friends Forever
- 10
Man On The Internet - Your Best Nightmare
- 11
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Radiance
- 12
Man On The Internet - Power of NEO
- 13
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Bytes - End of the Line
- 14
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - DANZA!
- 15
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Forlorn
- 16
Man On The Internet - Battle Against a True Hero
- 17
Man On The Internet - Bonetrousle
- 18
Man On The Internet - Entrada de Número 17
- 19
Man On The Internet - Entry Number 17 - Dark Darker Yet Darker (feat. Tom Previte)
- 20
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Grimm
- 21
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Nosk
- 22
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight Musical Bytes - Dirtmouth
- 23
Man On The Internet - Pokemon - Vs. AI Professor Sada/Turo
- 24
Man On The Internet - Undertale
- 25
Man On The Internet - Undertale The Musical - Spear Of Justice
- 26
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow - Guns Blazing
- 27
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Bytes - Deal 'Em Out
- 28
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Protocol
- 29
Man On The Internet - Zero Two
- 30
Man On The Internet - Alphys
- 31
Man On The Internet - Attack of the Killer Queen
- 32
Man On The Internet - Deltarune The (not) Musical - Chaos King
- 33
Man On The Internet - Dogs Approaching
- 34
Man On The Internet - Fallen Down
- 35
Man On The Internet - Fallen Down Reprise
- 36
Man On The Internet - Floral Fury
- 37
Man On The Internet - Ghost Fight
- 38
Man On The Internet - Heartache
- 39
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Broken Vessel
- 40
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Dung Defender
- 41
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Mantis Lords
- 42
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Sealed Vessel
- 43
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Truth, Beauty and Hatred
- 44
Man On The Internet - Home
- 45
Man On The Internet - In The Final
- 46
Man On The Internet - It's Raining Somewhere
- 47
Man On The Internet - Lancer
- 48
Man On The Internet - Let's Dating Love
- 49
Man On The Internet - Memory
- 50
Man On The Internet - Metal Crusher
- 51
Man On The Internet - Metal Man
- 52
Man On The Internet - Once Upon a Time
- 53
Man On The Internet - Pathetic House
- 54
Man On The Internet - Roulxs Kaard
- 55
Man On The Internet - Ruins
- 56
Man On The Internet - Snowdin Carol
- 57
Man On The Internet - Songvember - Hive Knight (Hollow Knight)
- 58
Man On The Internet - Songvember - Power of NEO (Unfinished Mix) (UNDERTALE)
- 59
Man On The Internet - Star (feat. Eisebee)
- 60
Man On The Internet - Turn Around And Shake My Hand
- 61
Man On The Internet - Undertale The Musical - Bring It In, Guys
- 62
Man On The Internet - Undertale The Musical - Core
- 63
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow - Fever Pitch
- 64
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Meltdown
- 65
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Showdown!
- 66
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Tenth Level Lockdown
- 67
Man On The Internet - Undyne
- 68
Man On The Internet - Waterfall
- 69
Man On The Internet - Your Best Friend
- 70
Man On The Internet - Your Best Friend Reprise
Megalovania (feat. Steel)
Man On The Internet
About you and me
Was this preordained?
Was this meant to be?
Somewhere deep down, I
Thought that you could change
Fighting means nothing
But I'll fight anyway!
There's not a bit of good inside
You followed the path of genocide
You're gonna have a bad time
Here I stand I must prevail
You're not gonna like what happens next
You step forward, you're gonna get wrecked
For everyone I could not protect
Here and now, I'll end this tale
Jumping all through space and time!
Following your own design!
Stopping, starting, crossing lines!
till everything ends!
Your determination fell!
You're filled up with love, I can tell!
Sold your soul and came from hell!
Killing your friends!
I know there's no point to life
If all of this can be reset
Living day by day, but the next we might forget
No point trying to escape
The surface holds no more appeal
Have you ever wondered if you still are real?
Seen what comes next
My last respects
It's long past time for
Us to end this game
Guess I will fight for
The few that remain
I will break your will
You keep fighting, still
Hoping for the kill
Here I stand, here I'll stay!
That thing around
But you know
You're going down
Once, I saw the light
Once, there was no fight
Once, you did what's right
Once, I called you friend
I know, somewhere you remember
They said that you could be better
That hope is a dying ember
You just wanted to see this end!
See how far you can descend!
Now we can never make amends!
Kill for the sake of play
Deny us light of day
So I stand in your way
Guess we're doing this the hard way
You are never gonna smile
You are heartless, you are vile
Well, goodbye then, fallen child
Know you never had a prayer
You are never gonna make it
Your will, I am gonna break it!
I will not stand there and take it
I can't afford not to care
I gave up hope long ago
Not much point in dreams, you know?
When they stopped, we started the show
Once upon a time
Now we stand here, face to face
Defiling this sacred place
I will not let you erase
All space and time!
I hate making promises
I know that the ending's the same
Every single time you reset, fight again
Take it from me kid
It's time to stop this child's play
Time you learn to stop
Learned that day is today
Why do you still fight?
Do you think you're right?
No more bloodshed and
No more violence
At the end of the day
There's just silence
You made your mistakes
Simply feeding your mania
But now hell awaits
When I stop megalovania!
Long, child of man
Them hi from Sans
You're not gonna like what happens next
You step forward, you're gonna get wrecked
For everyone I could not protect
Here I stand, I must prevail
I'm not going to turn tail
Time to stop this bloody trail!
Here and now I'll end this tale!