- 1
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Bytes - Trial By Fury
- 2
Man On The Internet - Hopes And Dreams
- 3
Man On The Internet - The World Revolving
- 4
Man On The Internet - Death By Glamour
- 5
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight Musical Bytes - Hornet (feat. EmilyGo)
- 6
Man On The Internet - Megalovania (feat. Steel)
- 7
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - A Mother's Love
- 8
Man On The Internet - Bergentrückung
- 9
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Best Friends Forever
- 10
Man On The Internet - Your Best Nightmare
- 11
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Radiance
- 12
Man On The Internet - Power of NEO
- 13
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Bytes - End of the Line
- 14
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - DANZA!
- 15
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Forlorn
- 16
Man On The Internet - Battle Against a True Hero
- 17
Man On The Internet - Bonetrousle
- 18
Man On The Internet - Entrada de Número 17
- 19
Man On The Internet - Entry Number 17 - Dark Darker Yet Darker (feat. Tom Previte)
- 20
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Grimm
- 21
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Nosk
- 22
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight Musical Bytes - Dirtmouth
- 23
Man On The Internet - Pokemon - Vs. AI Professor Sada/Turo
- 24
Man On The Internet - Undertale
- 25
Man On The Internet - Undertale The Musical - Spear Of Justice
- 26
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow - Guns Blazing
- 27
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Bytes - Deal 'Em Out
- 28
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Protocol
- 29
Man On The Internet - Zero Two
- 30
Man On The Internet - Alphys
- 31
Man On The Internet - Attack of the Killer Queen
- 32
Man On The Internet - Deltarune The (not) Musical - Chaos King
- 33
Man On The Internet - Dogs Approaching
- 34
Man On The Internet - Fallen Down
- 35
Man On The Internet - Fallen Down Reprise
- 36
Man On The Internet - Floral Fury
- 37
Man On The Internet - Ghost Fight
- 38
Man On The Internet - Heartache
- 39
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Broken Vessel
- 40
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Dung Defender
- 41
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Mantis Lords
- 42
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Sealed Vessel
- 43
Man On The Internet - Hollow Knight - Truth, Beauty and Hatred
- 44
Man On The Internet - Home
- 45
Man On The Internet - In The Final
- 46
Man On The Internet - It's Raining Somewhere
- 47
Man On The Internet - Lancer
- 48
Man On The Internet - Let's Dating Love
- 49
Man On The Internet - Memory
- 50
Man On The Internet - Metal Crusher
- 51
Man On The Internet - Metal Man
- 52
Man On The Internet - Once Upon a Time
- 53
Man On The Internet - Pathetic House
- 54
Man On The Internet - Roulxs Kaard
- 55
Man On The Internet - Ruins
- 56
Man On The Internet - Snowdin Carol
- 57
Man On The Internet - Songvember - Hive Knight (Hollow Knight)
- 58
Man On The Internet - Songvember - Power of NEO (Unfinished Mix) (UNDERTALE)
- 59
Man On The Internet - Star (feat. Eisebee)
- 60
Man On The Internet - Turn Around And Shake My Hand
- 61
Man On The Internet - Undertale The Musical - Bring It In, Guys
- 62
Man On The Internet - Undertale The Musical - Core
- 63
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow - Fever Pitch
- 64
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Meltdown
- 65
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Showdown!
- 66
Man On The Internet - Undertale Yellow Musical Bytes - Tenth Level Lockdown
- 67
Man On The Internet - Undyne
- 68
Man On The Internet - Waterfall
- 69
Man On The Internet - Your Best Friend
- 70
Man On The Internet - Your Best Friend Reprise
Dogs Approaching
Man On The Internet
You'll never guess what I found
I thought it was a rock, but it was a human
Don't think they heard you
Heard what?
Would you dogs stop playing poker
For one second and listen?
I, the great papyrus
Detected that a human has entered snowdin!
Oh, just that?
Well, that's no big deal, is it, sweetie?
Not at all, sugar-lumps
Then why does undyne want us to capture the humans?
Come on, then! Let's find that human!
Finding that human won't be hard, no no
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh
Find that human, get the goal, oh oh
Get that human's human soul, oh oh ooohhh
A human! In snowdin!
See? I told you!
I found a human, and now I shall capture it!
I can't believe it, I found a human
When I capture it with puzzles, in the royal guard I'll be
I'll go call undyne, her jaw will hit the floor
She'll cry tears of joy and be so happy with me!
They won't resist my style and my charm
They'll be taken at once, this is gonna be great-
Stop right there human, listen to me-
Go dogpile that human!
What the hey- guys, wait!
Shouldn't I be the one-
Pfft, no
This is royal guard business!
I'm with the royal guard!
You're in training!
Sorry, papyrus, but you did your part wonderfully
Dearest, where'd the human go?
I thought doggo was watching him!
I didn't see anything
Find the human!
Finding that human won't be hard, no no
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh
It's right there
They're even waving! How did you miss that?
Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to
Dogpile attempt number two! Go!
No more games, human
Don't run away
We'll get you, human
Then we get paid!
We're the greatest guardsmen ever
Nothing gets past us
Except for you that one time
But let's not raise a fuss!
With our obedience training
We'll grab you, we bet!
Hey, is that a stick I see?
Hey! Hey! Hey! Gimme a pet!
Guys! Really?
I thought you were better than this!
Nothing is better than a belly rub
I thought we were gonna capture-
Yeah! But first, belly rubs!
How you gonna get pet by a kid who's not there?
Not there? Find the human!
Finding that human won't be hard, no no
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh
They barely moved!
I didn't see that coming
So, get the human?
Get the human!
Okay cool have at it
We're the greatest guardsmen ever
Nothing gets past us
Except for you once again
But let's not raise a fuss!
With our skill and fitness
We will win the day!
Tackle them into the snow!
Then roll around and play!
Sit, stay, fetch, shake hands, roll over
We know all the tricks!
Let's keep playing, wait, we're fighting?
Dang it, we got mixed up again!
We're the greatest guardsmen ever
Nothing gets past us
Except for you once again
But let's not raise a fuss!
With our skill and fitness
Come on then, human, much more to do
I've prepared all sorts of jumbles
We will win the day!
(Puzzles, traps, and you'll see-)
Tackle them into the snow!
(Here on this table, ready to be microwaved)
Then roll around and play!
(A frozen plate of my own homemade spaghetti!)
Sit, stay, fetch, shake hands, roll over
(If you feel hungry, go ahead and take a bite)
We know all the tricks!
(It will distract you, and there you will want to stay!)
Let's keep playing, wait, we're fighting?
(Okay, maybe it's stuck to the table, hey, human, where are you going?)
Dang it, we got mixed up again!
(Please do not run away!)
Where'd the human run off to?
Weren't you keeping watch?
(What happened to third time's the charm?)
No, this snow is freakin' awesome
(What happened to the royal guard)
Can I sniff your
(Helping me ou- guys!)
The human's gone!
Gone? Find the human!
Finding that human won't be hard, no no
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh
This is why I don't work with amateurs
Would you say you had a bone to pick with them?
Hey, it's all in a dog-day's work