I know you can take care of yourself, he said as he slugged her on the chin No I can't she screamed at him as she kicked him in the shin Plates were flying everywhere, cruel words fouled the air The neighbours heard every word but they were too fare gone to care Chorus: In fighting, in fighting Starting a relationship at the end of an affair In fighting, in fighting Ruthless when you should be taking care
After hours of loving togetherness, the strain was finally felt The teapot hit his forehead but the insults went below the belt Not the crystal she pleaded anything but the cut glass But it only proved incentive and it hit the wall an impressive crash
He tore her best friends apart, she tore his best clothes He bruised her delicate ego and she bruised his elegant nose Chorus
But as the day was dawning and all the words were finally said They shrugged in confusion and fell exhausted back on the bed