- 1
Los Campesinos! - Romance is Boring
- 2
Los Campesinos! - The Sea Is A Good Place To Think Of The Future
- 3
Los Campesinos! - Adult Acne Stigmata
- 4
Los Campesinos! - Allez Les Blues
- 5
Los Campesinos! - By Your Hand
- 6
Los Campesinos! - Cemetery Gaits
- 7
Los Campesinos! - Holy Smoke (2005)
- 8
Los Campesinos! - Hung Empty
- 9
Los Campesinos! - We’ve Got Your Back (Documented Minor Emotional Breakdown #2)
- 10
Los Campesinos! - ...And We Exhale And Roll Our Eyes In Unison
- 11
Los Campesinos! - (PLAN A)
- 12
Los Campesinos! - 0898 HEARTACHE
- 13
Los Campesinos! - 200 102
- 14
Los Campesinos! - 2007: The Year Punk Broke (My Heart)
- 15
Los Campesinos! - 5 Flucloxacillin
- 16
Los Campesinos! - A Heat Rash In The Shape Of The Show Me State
- 17
Los Campesinos! - A Litany / Heart Swells
- 18
Los Campesinos! - A Portrait of The Trequartista As A Young Man
- 19
Los Campesinos! - A Psychic Wound
- 20
Los Campesinos! - A Slow, Slow Death
- 21
Los Campesinos! - All Your Kayfabe Friends
- 22
Los Campesinos! - As Lucerne The Low
- 23
Los Campesinos! - Avocado, Baby
- 24
Los Campesinos! - Baby I Got The Death Rattle
- 25
Los Campesinos! - Between An Erupting Earth And An Exploding Sky
- 26
Los Campesinos! - Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats
- 27
Los Campesinos! - C Is The Heavenly Option
- 28
Los Campesinos! - Clown Blood; or, Orpheus’ bobbing Head
- 29
Los Campesinos! - Coda: A Burn Scar In The Shape Of The Sooner State
- 30
Los Campesinos! - Death To Los Campesinos!
- 31
Los Campesinos! - Documented Minor Emotional Breakdown #1
- 32
Los Campesinos! - Don't Tell Me To do The Math(s)
- 33
Los Campesinos! - Drop It Doe Eyes
- 34
Los Campesinos! - Dumb Luck
- 35
Los Campesinos! - Every Defeat a Divorce (Three Lions)
- 36
Los Campesinos! - Feast of Tongues
- 37
Los Campesinos! - For Flotsam
- 38
Los Campesinos! - For Whom The Belly Tolls
- 39
Los Campesinos! - Four Seasons
- 40
Los Campesinos! - Frontwards
- 41
Los Campesinos! - Glue Me
- 42
Los Campesinos! - Got Stendhal's
- 43
Los Campesinos! - Hate For The Island
- 44
Los Campesinos! - Heart Swells/Pacific Daylight Time
- 45
Los Campesinos! - Hello Sadness
- 46
Los Campesinos! - Here's To The Fourth Time
- 47
Los Campesinos! - How I Taught Myself to Scream
- 48
Los Campesinos! - I Broke Up In Amarante
- 49
Los Campesinos! - I Just Sighed. I Just Sighed, Just So You Know
- 50
Los Campesinos! - I Warned You: Do Not Make An Enemy Of Me
- 51
Los Campesinos! - I. Spit; or, a Bite Mark in the Shape of the Sunflower State
- 52
Los Campesinos! - In Medias Res
- 53
Los Campesinos! - It Started With A Mixx
- 54
Los Campesinos! - It's Never That Easy Though, Is It? (Song for the Other Kurt)
- 55
Los Campesinos! - kms
- 56
Los Campesinos! - Knee Deep At ATP
- 57
Los Campesinos! - Let it Spill
- 58
Los Campesinos! - Life Is a Long Time
- 59
Los Campesinos! - Light Leaves, Dark Sees Pt. I
- 60
Los Campesinos! - Light Leaves, Dark Sees Pt. II
- 61
Los Campesinos! - Little Mouth
- 62
Los Campesinos! - Long Throes
- 63
Los Campesinos! - Miserabilia
- 64
Los Campesinos! - Moonstruck
- 65
Los Campesinos! - Music for Aerial Toll House
- 66
Los Campesinos! - My Year In Lists
- 67
Los Campesinos! - Renato Dall'Ara (2008)
- 68
Los Campesinos! - Sad Suppers
- 69
Los Campesinos! - Selling Rope (Swan Dive To Estuary)
- 70
Los Campesinos! - She Crows (Documented Minor Emotional Breakdown #4)
- 71
Los Campesinos! - Songs About Your Girlfriend
- 72
Los Campesinos! - Straight in at 101
- 73
Los Campesinos! - Surfing a Contrail
- 74
Los Campesinos! - Sweet Dreams Sweet Cheeks
- 75
Los Campesinos! - The Black Bird, The Dark Slope
- 76
Los Campesinos! - The Coin-Op Guillotine
- 77
Los Campesinos! - The End Of The Asterisk
- 78
Los Campesinos! - The Fall Of Home
- 79
Los Campesinos! - The International Tweexcore Underground
- 80
Los Campesinos! - The Order of the Seasons
- 81
Los Campesinos! - The Time before the last time
- 82
Los Campesinos! - There are Listed Buildings
- 83
Los Campesinos! - This Is a Flag, There Is No Wind
- 84
Los Campesinos! - This Is How You Spell "HAHAHA, We Destroyed The Hopes And The Dreams Of A Generation Of Faux-Romantics"
- 85
Los Campesinos! - Tiptoe Through The True Bits
- 86
Los Campesinos! - To Hell in a Handjob
- 87
Los Campesinos! - To the Boneyard
- 88
Los Campesinos! - To Tundra
- 89
Los Campesinos! - Ways To Make It Through The Wall
- 90
Los Campesinos! - We Are All Accelerated Readers
- 91
Los Campesinos! - We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed
- 92
Los Campesinos! - We Throw Parties, You Throw Knives
- 93
Los Campesinos! - What Death Leaves Behind
- 94
Los Campesinos! - Who Fell Asleep In
- 95
Los Campesinos! - You! Me! Dancing!
- 96
Los Campesinos! - You'll Need Those Fingers For Crossing
A Slow, Slow Death
Los Campesinos!
London pat its own back
Those with the means for the megaphone
Will always provide us the soundtrack
I started to diarise the coming of flies
When gloom is descending
So when it's back 'round again
I know it's a false start and not an ending
Some days I struggle to move
In elephant shoes, unwilling commuter
Anxiety in my chest, heart under duress
Taps out of sharpshooter
Preoccupied now for days by nostalgia waves
I hated the first time
A gambler's fallacy: The more I repeat
I won't be the punchline
You on a lilo
Are an island of the pacific
And then me, me, me, I am face down
In a puddle on the high street
I got your initials inside a heart tattoo
We two in vermillion, we two a lovers' coup
I got your initials inside a heart tattoo
We two in vermillion, we two a lovers' coup
I know little (I know little)
But I promise (but I promise)
There's a slow, slow death if you want it
If you want it
In time I will have to lie
These memories are mine, not in fact my father's
A schoolboy hero replaced, domestic disgrace
A sad sack, a martyr
We here are common as dirt
Three lions on our shirt with high expectations
Absolve this land of a queen
Who feasts while we wean a small, hopeless nation
You on a lilo
Are an island of the pacific
And then me, me, I am face down
In a puddle on the high street
I got your initials inside a heart tattoo
We two in vermillion, we two a lovers' coup
I got your initials inside a heart tattoo
We two in vermillion, we two a lovers' coup
I know little (I know little)
But I promise (but I promise)
There's a slow, slow death if you want it
Yeah, I want it