- 1
Local H - Bound For The Floor
- 2
Local H - Lazy Crazy
- 3
Local H - Wolf Like Me
- 4
Local H - Deep Cut
- 5
Local H - Eddie Vedder
- 6
Local H - Back In The Day
- 7
Local H - Fritz's Corner
- 8
Local H - Hazer
- 9
Local H - Hello, Everyone
- 10
Local H - Lovey Dovey
- 11
Local H - No Problem
- 12
Local H - Nothing Special
- 13
Local H - Sad History
- 14
Local H - Scott-Rock
- 15
Local H - (Baby Wants To) Tame Me
- 16
Local H - 1st Amendment Jitters
- 17
Local H - 24 Hour Break-up Session
- 18
Local H - 25 Or 6 To 4
- 19
Local H - 500.000 Scovilles
- 20
Local H - 5th Ave. Crazy
- 21
Local H - All The Kids Are Right
- 22
Local H - All-Right (Oh Yeah)
- 23
Local H - Another February
- 24
Local H - Bag Of Hammers
- 25
Local H - Believe You Me
- 26
Local H - Bigger
- 27
Local H - Birth, School, Work, Death
- 28
Local H - Blood Stains
- 29
Local H - Blue Line
- 30
Local H - Blur
- 31
Local H - BMW Man
- 32
Local H - Bryn-Mawr Stomp
- 33
Local H - Buffalo Trace
- 34
Local H - California Songs
- 35
Local H - Cha! Said The Kitty
- 36
Local H - Chicago Fanphair '93
- 37
Local H - Cold And Mannered
- 38
Local H - Cold Manor
- 39
Local H - Congressman
- 40
Local H - Cool Magnet
- 41
Local H - Cooler Heads
- 42
Local H - Creature Comforted
- 43
Local H - Cynic
- 44
Local H - Dick Jones
- 45
Local H - Disgruntled Xmas
- 46
Local H - Elephant
- 47
Local H - Everyone Alive
- 48
Local H - Feed
- 49
Local H - Feed a Fever
- 50
Local H - Fine And Good
- 51
Local H - Foolish Notions
- 52
Local H - For Lovers
- 53
Local H - Freeze Dried (F)lies
- 54
Local H - Fuck Yeah, That Wide
- 55
Local H - Girlfriend
- 56
Local H - Grrrlfriend
- 57
Local H - Halcion Daze
- 58
Local H - Halcyon Days (Where Were You Then?)
- 59
Local H - Half-Life
- 60
Local H - Hand To Mouth
- 61
Local H - Hands On The Bible
- 62
Local H - Heaven On the Way Down
- 63
Local H - Heavy Metal Bakesale
- 64
Local H - Here Come Ol' Laptop
- 65
Local H - Hey, Rita
- 66
Local H - High Fiving MF
- 67
Local H - Hit The Skids
- 68
Local H - How's the Weather Down There?
- 69
Local H - I Just Want Something To Do
- 70
Local H - I Saw What You Did And I Know Who You Are
- 71
Local H - It's a Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock 'N' Roll)
- 72
Local H - Jesus Christ! Did You See The Size Of That Sperm Whale?
- 73
Local H - Joey
- 74
Local H - Just Don't Get It
- 75
Local H - Keep Your Girlfriend
- 76
Local H - Laminate Man
- 77
Local H - Last Caress
- 78
Local H - Lead Pipe Cinch
- 79
Local H - Limit Your Change
- 80
Local H - Look Who's Walking On Four Legs Again
- 81
Local H - Lucky
- 82
Local H - Lucky Time
- 83
Local H - Machine Shed Wrestling
- 84
Local H - Manifest Density Pt. 2
- 85
Local H - Manifest Destiny Pt. 1
- 86
Local H - Manipulator
- 87
Local H - Mayonnaise And Malaise
- 88
Local H - Mellowed
- 89
Local H - Michelle (Again)
- 90
Local H - Night Flight To Paris
- 91
Local H - No Fun
- 92
Local H - No More
- 93
Local H - Nothing Is Equal
- 94
Local H - Nothing Much At All
- 95
Local H - O.K.
- 96
Local H - P.J. Soles
- 97
Local H - Paddy Considine
- 98
Local H - Payback Is a Mother
- 99
Local H - President Forever
- 100
Local H - Ralph
- 101
Local H - Rock & Roll Professionals
- 102
Local H - Ruling Kind
- 103
Local H - Say The Word
- 104
Local H - She Hates My Job
- 105
Local H - Simple Pleas
- 106
Local H - Skid Marks
- 107
Local H - Smothered In Hugs
- 108
Local H - So Pathetic
- 109
Local H - Son Of "Cha!"
- 110
Local H - Sports Bar
- 111
Local H - Static Age
- 112
Local H - Stick To What You Know
- 113
Local H - Strict-9
- 114
Local H - Tag-Along
- 115
Local H - Talking Smack
- 116
Local H - Tame
- 117
Local H - Taxi-Cabs
- 118
Local H - Terrible Love
- 119
Local H - That's What They All Say
- 120
Local H - The Money Is On The Dresser
- 121
Local H - The One With 'Kid'
- 122
Local H - The Summer Of Boats
- 123
Local H - Time
- 124
Local H - toxic
- 125
Local H - Trash Fire Bummers
- 126
Local H - User
- 127
Local H - Waves
- 128
Local H - Waves Again
- 129
Local H - What Can I Tell You?
- 130
Local H - What Would You Have Me Do?
- 131
Local H - Where Are They Now?
- 132
Local H - White Belt Boys
Paddy Considine
Local H
I ain't of the mind that paddy considine
Is one to take guff from no conspiracy of toughs
I ain't of the mind that paddy considine
Is one to take guff from no conspiracy of toughs
In my mind I talk to paddy considine
And it always goes something like this
The kids in my hood, they're up to no good
Tell me, paddy, what to do in an age of no pity?
From that young irish face to that dude who plays bass
They're bringing baseball bats down to stroller city
I ain't of the mind that paddy considine
Is one to take guff from no conspiracy of toughs
I ain't of the mind that paddy considine
Is one to take guff from no conspiracy of toughs
The bums and punks and drunks sift through my junk
I hear stories about last night's meat train
I never thought I'd see the day when the white man has no say
Tell me, paddy, how do we get our country out of the crapper?
That fat, pink fuck is crying on tv again
He's got the persecution complex of a coked up rapper
I ain't of the mind
I ain't of the mind
I ain't of the mind
I ain't of the mind
Well, it's a hot summer, someone could get hurt
And it's a hot summer and people get hurt
Well, it's a hot summer, hot, hot
And it's a hot summer, people get hurt
I'll take you out first
I'll take you out first
Well, it's a hot summer, someone could get hurt
And it's a hot summer, people get hurt
Well, it's a hot summer, hot, hot
And it's a hot summer, people get hurt
I'll take you out first
There's blood for your thirst
And, paddy, it's all just a matter of time before you get your ass kicked
When you're walking a straight line from the bar to your goddamn house
But living's just not worth it when you live like a mouse
Am I right, paddy?
I, I ain't of the mind that paddy considine
Is one to take guff from no conspiracy of toughs
I ain't of the mind that paddy considine
Is one to take guff from no conspiracy of toughs
Much less some pussy like you