Now when you choose a law career
The moment you embark
There is that joke you're bound to hear
A lawyer is a shark
Ignore that, it's simplistic and it's dumb
Only some of you will turn out sharks, just some
The rest are chum
Our topic is blood in the water
Kids, it's time you faced
Law school is a waste
Oh yes, unless you acquire a taste for blood in the water
Dark and red and raw
You're nothing until the thrill of the kill becomes your only law
Mr. Schultz, hypothetical question
Would you be willing to defend the following banker accused of fraud?
A kind old grandma took her savings and she sent it
Off to your client, all she saved since she was born
Well, he promised to invest it, but he spent it
On prostitutes and heroin and porn
[Aaron Schultz]
No, I would not want to take that case!
This one is a win unless you're lazy
Grandma's broke, she'll have some hack from legal aid
Put her on the stand and call her old and crazy
Your guy goes free and he can get you high and laid
Look for the blood in the water
Read your Thomas Hobbes
Only spineless snobs
Will quarrel with the morally dubious jobs
Yes, blood in the water
Your scruples are a flaw
Ms. Hoopes, hypothetical question
Would you be the right lawyer for the following client?
Say they offer you a bundle for defending
A famous hitman for the mafia elite
Seems he missed his chosen prey
Killed a nun and drove away
Running over three cute puppies in the street
[Enid Hoopes]
What, you think I wouldn't defend him just because he's a typical man?
Oh, you lesbians think you're so tough
[Enid Hoopes]
(Stammers incoherently)
Oh dear, I fear my comment has offended
Hard to argue, though, when you're too mad to speak
Your employment will be very quickly ended
When they see how your emotions make you weak
So what's my point?
I run a billion dollar law firm
And I hire four new interns every year
From this class I will select
Four young sharks whom I respect
And those four will have a guaranteed career
Do you follow me?
So I wanna see, what?
Blood in the water?
Let the games begin
Four of you will win
But just those four with a dorsal fin
[Callahan and students]
Blood in the water
So bite and scratch and claw
Yes, ms, uh?
Woods, elle woods!
[Callahan, spoken]
Someone's had their morning coffee
Would you summarise the case of state of Indiana V Hearn from your reading, please?
Oh, I wanted to answer the puppy question?
But I'm asking you about the assigned reading
Okay, who assigns reading for the first day of class?
You have guts, ms woods
Ms Kensington?
Let us say you teach a class at Harvard Law School
A position that you're justly proud about
But a girl on whom you call hasn't read the case at all
Should you let it go or
[Vivian Kensington]
No, I'd throw her out
Alright then
You heard your classmate
You have just been killed
She cut your throat so grab your coat
Yes, you've got guts
[Callahan and students]
But now they're spilled
Your blood's in the water
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
So would you please withdraw
And if you return be ready to learn
Or is that unfair? Oh, wait I don't care!
That's just how I rule
In life as in school
With fear and shock and awe
You're nothing until
Blood in the water
The thrill of the kill
Blood in the water
Becomes your only law!
Blood in the water
Your only law!
Blood in the water
Your only law!
Blood in the water
Blood in the water