Daughter of Delta Nu Sweetheart since club days Please let us help you through
[Margot] She's eating Milky Ways
[Delta Nu's] No, no way, etc, etc
[Serena] Ladies I think he should be shot And let me tell you what I don't think he's that hot
[Margot] I do!
[Serena] Well, you're a slut!
[Margot] Look who is talking!
[Pilar] Uh, uh, three words Spring Break Cabo
Delta Nu's Oh, bam, etc, etc
[Elle] Girls, girls Must we all descend into madness
[Pilar] Oh, hunni' So good to see you Look we brought you new magazines We got Town and Country And you're favorite, the one they named after you Elle Magazine!
[Elle] Thanks, Pilar But I think it's going to take more Than Elle and Town and Country To pull me back from my shame spiral
[Margot] Well then sweetie You are just going to have to hold on 'cause the new Vogue is not out till next week!
[Elle] Ah
[Margot] What! Don't tell me ponchos are back in!
[Elle] No, worse! Its Warner's brother, Payton Hunington IV and his bride! Pictures from their wedding, look!