Hail the forces The first king of norway Hail the forces the brave son God's bloodline
Mere a boy Summoned rebels called to armor Ravage revenge A revenge of lords divided
Summoned armor A theatre of war and renegade's ruin Harken the prince of fairest saw a nation proud Behold the God's will
Hail the forces The first king of norway King of kings Hail the fairest of norsemen The dragon Victorious Hail the forces the brave son God's bloodline King of kings Hail the proudest of norsemen Sole ruler Victorious
Mere a man Mighty son of twenty summers And yet a stout and prudent son of wealth and might His voice the God's will
Northern land Reign invincible Norseman Fights with fire Iron rain All-time warrior Born again Tales desire
They called him harald lufa The sole ruler of the north
King of kings King of kings Victorious King of kings Descendant of the God Victorious