- 1
Laurie Anderson - O Superman
- 2
Laurie Anderson - Same Time Tomorrow
- 3
Laurie Anderson - Language Is A Virus
- 4
Laurie Anderson - Big Science
- 5
Laurie Anderson - Born, Never Asked
- 6
Laurie Anderson - Let X=X
- 7
Laurie Anderson - From The Air
- 8
Laurie Anderson - Kokoku
- 9
Laurie Anderson - My Compensation
- 10
Laurie Anderson - Speak My Language
- 11
Laurie Anderson - Speechless
- 12
Laurie Anderson - Statue Of Liberty
- 13
Laurie Anderson - Strange Angels
- 14
Laurie Anderson - Walking & Falling
- 15
Laurie Anderson - Another Day in America
- 16
Laurie Anderson - Baby Doll
- 17
Laurie Anderson - Beautiful Pea Green Boat
- 18
Laurie Anderson - Beautiful Red Dress
- 19
Laurie Anderson - Blue Lagoon
- 20
Laurie Anderson - Bodies in Motion
- 21
Laurie Anderson - Bright Red
- 22
Laurie Anderson - Broken
- 23
Laurie Anderson - Coolsville
- 24
Laurie Anderson - Dark Angel
- 25
Laurie Anderson - Dark Time in Revolution
- 26
Laurie Anderson - Example 22
- 27
Laurie Anderson - Excellent Birds
- 28
Laurie Anderson - Falling
- 29
Laurie Anderson - Free Fall
- 30
Laurie Anderson - Gravity's Angel Lyrics
- 31
Laurie Anderson - Hiawatha
- 32
Laurie Anderson - In Our Sleep
- 33
Laurie Anderson - It Tango
- 34
Laurie Anderson - John Lilly
- 35
Laurie Anderson - Langue d'Amour
- 36
Laurie Anderson - Late Show
- 37
Laurie Anderson - Life On A String
- 38
Laurie Anderson - Love Among The Sailors
- 39
Laurie Anderson - Maria Teresa Teresa Maria
- 40
Laurie Anderson - Monkey's Paw
- 41
Laurie Anderson - Muddy River
- 42
Laurie Anderson - My Eyes
- 43
Laurie Anderson - My Right Eye
- 44
Laurie Anderson - Night In Baghdad
- 45
Laurie Anderson - On The Way To Jerusalem
- 46
Laurie Anderson - One Beautiful Evening
- 47
Laurie Anderson - One White Whale
- 48
Laurie Anderson - Only An Expert
- 49
Laurie Anderson - Pieces And Parts
- 50
Laurie Anderson - Poison
- 51
Laurie Anderson - Puppet Motel
- 52
Laurie Anderson - Ramon
- 53
Laurie Anderson - Sharkey's Day
- 54
Laurie Anderson - Sharkey's Day (Single Edit)
- 55
Laurie Anderson - Sharkey"S Night
- 56
Laurie Anderson - Slip Away
- 57
Laurie Anderson - Smoke Rings
- 58
Laurie Anderson - Someone Else's Dream
- 59
Laurie Anderson - Strange Perfumes
- 60
Laurie Anderson - Sweaters
- 61
Laurie Anderson - Talk Normal
- 62
Laurie Anderson - The Beginning of Memory
- 63
Laurie Anderson - The Cultural Ambassador
- 64
Laurie Anderson - The Day The Devil
- 65
Laurie Anderson - The Dream Before
- 66
Laurie Anderson - The End Of The World
- 67
Laurie Anderson - The Geographic North Pole
- 68
Laurie Anderson - The Hollywood Strangler
- 69
Laurie Anderson - The Island Where I Come From
- 70
Laurie Anderson - The Lake
- 71
Laurie Anderson - The Mysterious "J"
- 72
Laurie Anderson - The Night Flight From Houston
- 73
Laurie Anderson - The Ouija Board
- 74
Laurie Anderson - The Puppet Motel
- 75
Laurie Anderson - The Rotowhirl
- 76
Laurie Anderson - The Salesman
- 77
Laurie Anderson - The Soul Is A Bird
- 78
Laurie Anderson - The Ugly One With The Jewels
- 79
Laurie Anderson - Thinking of You
- 80
Laurie Anderson - Tightrope
- 81
Laurie Anderson - Transitory Life
- 82
Laurie Anderson - Washington Street
- 83
Laurie Anderson - White Lily
- 84
Laurie Anderson - Word Of Mouth
- 85
Laurie Anderson - World Without End
Big Science
Laurie Anderson
Coo coo it's cold outside.
Ooo coo coo.
Don't forget your mittens.
Hey Pal!
How do I get to town from here?
And he said "Well just take a right where they're going to build that new shopping mall, go straight past where they're going to put in the freeway, take a left at what's going to be the new sports center, and keep going until you hit the place where they're thinking of building that drive-in bank.
You can't miss it."
And I said "This must be the place."
Ooo coo coo.
Golden cities.
Golden towns.
Golden cities.
Golden towns.
And long cars in long lines and great big signs and they all say "Hallelujah.
Every man for himself."
Ooo coo coo.
Golden cities.
Golden towns.
Thanks for the ride.
Big Science.
Big Science.
You know.
I think we should put some mountains here. Otherwise, what are all the characters going to fall off of?
And what about stairs?
Ooo coo coo.
Here's a man who lives a life of danger. Everywhere he goes he
stays - a stranger.
Howdy stranger.
Mind if I smoke?
And he said "Every man, every man for himself. Every man, every man for himself.
All in favor say aye."
Big Science.
Big Science.
Hey Professor!
Could you turn out the lights?
Let's roll the film.
Big Science.
Every man, every man for himself.
Big Science.