- 1
Laibach - Tanz Mit Laibach
- 2
Laibach - No History
- 3
Laibach - Opus Dei (live Is Life)
- 4
Laibach - The Whistleblowers
- 5
Laibach - Achtung
- 6
Laibach - Anti-semitism
- 7
Laibach - B Mashina
- 8
Laibach - Declaration Of Freedom
- 9
Laibach - Eat Liver!
- 10
Laibach - F.I.A.T.
- 11
Laibach - KRST (Baptizm)
- 12
Laibach - Krvava Gruda - Plodna Zemlja
- 13
Laibach - Leben Heißt Leben
- 14
Laibach - Now You Will Pay
- 15
Laibach - Vojna Poema
- 16
Laibach - Yisra'el
- 17
Laibach - 2525 (In the year)
- 18
Laibach - Abuse And Confession
- 19
Laibach - Across The Universe
- 20
Laibach - Alle Gegen Alle
- 21
Laibach - America
- 22
Laibach - Anglia
- 23
Laibach - Apologija Laibach
- 24
Laibach - Bossanova
- 25
Laibach - Brat Moj
- 26
Laibach - Cari Amici
- 27
Laibach - Das Spiel Ist Aus
- 28
Laibach - Decade Null
- 29
Laibach - Dig It
- 30
Laibach - Dogs Of War
- 31
Laibach - Drzava
- 32
Laibach - Du Bist Unser
- 33
Laibach - Ende
- 34
Laibach - Entartete Welt (The Discovery of the North Pole)
- 35
Laibach - Espana
- 36
Laibach - Eurovision
- 37
Laibach - Everlasting In Union
- 38
Laibach - For You Blue
- 39
Laibach - Francia
- 40
Laibach - Geburt Einer Nation
- 41
Laibach - Germania
- 42
Laibach - Get Back
- 43
Laibach - God Is God
- 44
Laibach - Great Seal
- 45
Laibach - Hell: Symmetry
- 46
Laibach - How The West Was Won
- 47
Laibach - Hymn To The Black Sun
- 48
Laibach - I Dig A Pony
- 49
Laibach - I Me Mine
- 50
Laibach - I've Got A Feeling
- 51
Laibach - Illumination
- 52
Laibach - In The New Light
- 53
Laibach - Italia
- 54
Laibach - Jaruzelsky
- 55
Laibach - Jesus Christ Superstar
- 56
Laibach - Kingdom Of God
- 57
Laibach - Le Privilege Des Morts
- 58
Laibach - Leben - Tod
- 59
Laibach - Life Is Life
- 60
Laibach - Maggie Mae
- 61
Laibach - Message From The Black Star
- 62
Laibach - Mi Kujemo Bodoc'nost
- 63
Laibach - National Reservation
- 64
Laibach - Nippon
- 65
Laibach - Nova Akropola
- 66
Laibach - NSK
- 67
Laibach - One After 909
- 68
Laibach - Panorama
- 69
Laibach - Regime Of Coincidence, State Of Gravity
- 70
Laibach - Reject Or Breed
- 71
Laibach - Resistance Is Futile
- 72
Laibach - Rossiya
- 73
Laibach - Satanic Versus
- 74
Laibach - Sila
- 75
Laibach - Slovania
- 76
Laibach - Smrt Za Smrt
- 77
Laibach - Sponsored By Mars
- 78
Laibach - Sredi Bojev
- 79
Laibach - Steel Trust
- 80
Laibach - The Cross
- 81
Laibach - The Great Divide
- 82
Laibach - The Hunter's Funeral Procession
- 83
Laibach - The Lonely Goatherd
- 84
Laibach - The Long And Winding Road
- 85
Laibach - To The New Light
- 86
Laibach - Turkiye
- 87
Laibach - Two Of Us
- 88
Laibach - Under the Iron Sky
- 89
Laibach - Unsere Geschichte
- 90
Laibach - Vaticanae
- 91
Laibach - Walk With Me
- 92
Laibach - War
- 93
Laibach - Wat
- 94
Laibach - We Are Millions And Millions Are One
- 95
Laibach - White Law
- 96
Laibach - Young Europa
- 97
Laibach - Zhonghuá
Brat Moj
Brat moj, Bruder mein, spuerst du den Mut,
ali c'utis' pogum, ki ga je dvignila zerja den das Morgenrot erweckte
v borbi za lepoto sveta? im Kampf um die Schoenheit der Welt?
Brat moj, Bruder mein, entzuenden wir
priz'gimo kres v vseh ljudeh! die Flamme in jedem Menschen!
Bodimo mocni kot garaci, brat moj; Seien wir stark wie der Arbeit Heer,Bruder;
mi smo v skrivnosti tajni im geheiligten Geheimnis
slutnja in prerokovanje, sind wir Ahnung und Weissagung,
mi smo z'ivljenja divju smeh! sind wir des Lebens wildes Lachen!
V nas je glad, ki poz'ivi In uns ist Hunger, der zum Leben erweckt
in gladnih ne uzmuc'i. und der die Hungrigen nicht plagt.
Brat moj, odpri oc'i, Bruder mein, oeffne die Augen und
Brother Of Mine
Brother of mine,
do you feel the courage, that was wakened by the red light
of dawn in the fight for the beauty of the world?
let us light the flame in every man!
Let us be strong like the working army, brother;
in the holiest of secrets
we are premonition and prophecy,
we are life's wild laughter!
In us is a hunger, that wakens to life
and that does not torment the hungry.
My brother, open your eyes and