You came like the break the day Stole my heart away,now I belong to you forever You danced and shouted over me,you loves a raging sea Now I am lost in you forever
You're washing over me You're washing over me
You're my one and only The king of glory It's you I desire here
Surrender, it's where my heart will be Your words are life to me Now I will trust in you forever
I'm caught in the power of your gaze Your love has brought me grace Now I will walk with you forever
You're washing over me You're washing over me
You're my one and only The king of glory It's you I desire here
All that is within me praise All that is within me praise All that is within me praise All that is within me praise
Oh lord
Forever Forever Forever praise
Forever Forever Forever I will praise
You're my one and only The king of glory It's you I desire here