You are no god to me You are nothing to me This is a reckoning
Enjoy this while it lasts It won't be long Before it dies You've stolen life and broken dreams No man can be a deity
You are no god to me This is a reckoning You are nothing to me This is a reckoning
Was the penance not enough? Was faith not enough? No man can be a diety
You are no god to me This is a reckoning You are nothing to me This is a reckoning And I will be there to see you fall You are no god to me There's is a reckoning
The betrayed will now see the truth And the broken hearted will finally heal You will be judged You will be found wanted And we'll be there to see you fall
You are no god to me This is a reckoning You are nothing to me This is a reckoning And I will be there to see you fall You are no god to me There's is a reckoning