Them a watch we ya know We know watch them ya know Them worry bout we no worry bout them Bun like sun ya know Wet like rain ya know Long time we a roots We no jus come stem I speak them brain a leak Never see me turning for other cheek Not this week or even next week Cause I know the earth will inherit the meek Is real that's what she wrote Is real we fire them smoke Is real so the god ain't no joke Is real my people can cope
Dont praise the *** ya know Watch me now Don't praise the ***ya know Bend pick up no soap ya know Do good for people like my name was good Hope Ain't no surprise ya know Ghetto youth rise ya know Won't hang over self If you give me Realize fool must be wise While you're making noise I don't collect prize Is how we live Build is own bridge Boy like me carry water in sieve
Is real that she wrote Tell me how ya livin Soul what it is livin Tell me how ya livin Whatcha got given.