- 1
Juanita Bynum - You Are Great
- 2
Juanita Bynum - Above All Else
- 3
Juanita Bynum - Forever Grateful
- 4
Juanita Bynum - Immoral, Invisible, God Only Wise
- 5
Juanita Bynum - Jesus Is The Reson For The Season
- 6
Juanita Bynum - My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
- 7
Juanita Bynum - Psalm 23
- 8
Juanita Bynum - Adore You
- 9
Juanita Bynum - All That I Need
- 10
Juanita Bynum - Anoint Me Lord
- 11
Juanita Bynum - Answer To My Prayer
- 12
Juanita Bynum - Any Crown
- 13
Juanita Bynum - Be Still My Soul
- 14
Juanita Bynum - Because Of Who You Are
- 15
Juanita Bynum - Because You Loved Me
- 16
Juanita Bynum - Behind the Veil I & II & Prophecy
- 17
Juanita Bynum - Better Is One Day
- 18
Juanita Bynum - Better is One Day Prelude
- 19
Juanita Bynum - Break Forth Praise
- 20
Juanita Bynum - Breath Away
- 21
Juanita Bynum - Bridge Over Troubled Water
- 22
Juanita Bynum - Cant Believe
- 23
Juanita Bynum - Cant Let Go
- 24
Juanita Bynum - Change
- 25
Juanita Bynum - Chorus
- 26
Juanita Bynum - Come Fill This Place
- 27
Juanita Bynum - Come Unto Me
- 28
Juanita Bynum - Confused
- 29
Juanita Bynum - Couldve Been Me
- 30
Juanita Bynum - Day Like Today
- 31
Juanita Bynum - Deeper Life
- 32
Juanita Bynum - Deliverance Is Available
- 33
Juanita Bynum - Different Now
- 34
Juanita Bynum - Disappear
- 35
Juanita Bynum - Do
- 36
Juanita Bynum - Drama Free
- 37
Juanita Bynum - Draw You Near
- 38
Juanita Bynum - Everything Will Be Alright
- 39
Juanita Bynum - Fairest Lord Jesus
- 40
Juanita Bynum - Field Of Souls
- 41
Juanita Bynum - Fully Committed
- 42
Juanita Bynum - Get It Right
- 43
Juanita Bynum - Get Ready
- 44
Juanita Bynum - Get To Heaven
- 45
Juanita Bynum - Giving My All
- 46
Juanita Bynum - Go Tell It On The Mountain
- 47
Juanita Bynum - God Is All Around
- 48
Juanita Bynum - God Is Keeping Me
- 49
Juanita Bynum - God Will Make A Way
- 50
Juanita Bynum - God Will Take Care of You
- 51
Juanita Bynum - Gods Mercy
- 52
Juanita Bynum - Godspot
- 53
Juanita Bynum - Good Time
- 54
Juanita Bynum - Gotta Right
- 55
Juanita Bynum - Greater Love
- 56
Juanita Bynum - Hallelujah To The King
- 57
Juanita Bynum - Hands Up
- 58
Juanita Bynum - Have Mercy
- 59
Juanita Bynum - He Made A Way
- 60
Juanita Bynum - Healin
- 61
Juanita Bynum - Heart's Desire
- 62
Juanita Bynum - Heaven Knows
- 63
Juanita Bynum - Here In This House
- 64
Juanita Bynum - Heres My Heart
- 65
Juanita Bynum - Hes Here To Help
- 66
Juanita Bynum - High And Lifted Up
- 67
Juanita Bynum - Highest Praise
- 68
Juanita Bynum - Hold On To Your Faith
- 69
Juanita Bynum - Holy And Righteous
- 70
Juanita Bynum - Homemade
- 71
Juanita Bynum - How You Living
- 72
Juanita Bynum - I Am God
- 73
Juanita Bynum - I Am The One
- 74
Juanita Bynum - I Know
- 75
Juanita Bynum - I Know Whom I Have Believed
- 76
Juanita Bynum - I Made A Vow
- 77
Juanita Bynum - I Promise You
- 78
Juanita Bynum - I Will Trust You
- 79
Juanita Bynum - I Will Wait For You
- 80
Juanita Bynum - I'm Gonna Move Among You
- 81
Juanita Bynum - If I Labor
- 82
Juanita Bynum - If It Had Not Been For The Lord
- 83
Juanita Bynum - If You Really Knew
- 84
Juanita Bynum - Im In Love With You
- 85
Juanita Bynum - Increase Me
- 86
Juanita Bynum - It Remains To Be Seen
- 87
Juanita Bynum - Its In Gods Hands Now
- 88
Juanita Bynum - Its Time To Praise The Lord
- 89
Juanita Bynum - Its You
- 90
Juanita Bynum - Jesus Paid The Ransom
- 91
Juanita Bynum - Jesus, What A Wonder
- 92
Juanita Bynum - Just Like That
- 93
Juanita Bynum - Just The Way
- 94
Juanita Bynum - Lift Him Up
- 95
Juanita Bynum - Like The Dew
- 96
Juanita Bynum - Lookin For Love
- 97
Juanita Bynum - Lord Youre Everything
- 98
Juanita Bynum - Lost Hearts
- 99
Juanita Bynum - Love, Peace And Happiness
- 100
Juanita Bynum - Make Way
- 101
Juanita Bynum - More Than Enough
- 102
Juanita Bynum - Movin On
- 103
Juanita Bynum - My Life
- 104
Juanita Bynum - My Savior, My God
- 105
Juanita Bynum - No Turning Back
- 106
Juanita Bynum - Nobody
- 107
Juanita Bynum - Not the I But the You In Me
- 108
Juanita Bynum - Now I Sing
- 109
Juanita Bynum - O Come All Ye faithful
- 110
Juanita Bynum - One Fine Day Lyrics
- 111
Juanita Bynum - One Night With The King
- 112
Juanita Bynum - Open Up Your Heart
- 113
Juanita Bynum - Overflow
- 114
Juanita Bynum - Paradise
- 115
Juanita Bynum - Peace
- 116
Juanita Bynum - Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
- 117
Juanita Bynum - Praise You
- 118
Juanita Bynum - Revelation 7:13-17 (God Shall Wipe All Your Tears Away)
- 119
Juanita Bynum - Revive Us
- 120
Juanita Bynum - Right Now
- 121
Juanita Bynum - River
- 122
Juanita Bynum - Rolling Stone
- 123
Juanita Bynum - Safety
- 124
Juanita Bynum - Sarah Jane
- 125
Juanita Bynum - Secret
- 126
Juanita Bynum - Send Out A Prayer
- 127
Juanita Bynum - Send Your Anointing Lyrics
- 128
Juanita Bynum - Shake Us Again
- 129
Juanita Bynum - Showpiece
- 130
Juanita Bynum - Sign Up With Blockbuster, Get 50% Off First Month.
- 131
Juanita Bynum - Silent Night
- 132
Juanita Bynum - Sincerely
- 133
Juanita Bynum - Soldiers
- 134
Juanita Bynum - Speak To Me
- 135
Juanita Bynum - Spirit Moves
- 136
Juanita Bynum - Stand
- 137
Juanita Bynum - Sweet Holy Spirit
- 138
Juanita Bynum - Take Me Back
- 139
Juanita Bynum - Take Me In
- 140
Juanita Bynum - Take The Time
- 141
Juanita Bynum - Teach Me To Wait
- 142
Juanita Bynum - Thankful
- 143
Juanita Bynum - The Call
- 144
Juanita Bynum - The Family Worship Medley
- 145
Juanita Bynum - They Need To Know
- 146
Juanita Bynum - Things I Wish
- 147
Juanita Bynum - This Is Your Life
- 148
Juanita Bynum - Tomorrow
- 149
Juanita Bynum - Unconditional
- 150
Juanita Bynum - Vision of Love
- 151
Juanita Bynum - Waiting For Your Love To Come Down
- 152
Juanita Bynum - We Shall Behold Him
- 153
Juanita Bynum - We Shall Overcome
- 154
Juanita Bynum - We Wait
- 155
Juanita Bynum - We Worship You Lyrics
- 156
Juanita Bynum - When Are You Coming Back
- 157
Juanita Bynum - When I Rose This Morning
- 158
Juanita Bynum - When You Fall
- 159
Juanita Bynum - Window
- 160
Juanita Bynum - With One Voice
- 161
Juanita Bynum - You Are You Are
- 162
Juanita Bynum - You're crying night and day
- 163
Juanita Bynum - Youll Never Thirst
Sarah Jane
Juanita Bynum
Walking down the street watching you
You could help me, but you're not looking
I bet you would if only you knew
You could make a difference
Do you hear me, can you see me
Walking down the street needing you
I want to make it, how do I get there
If you show me that you cared, you know
You could make a difference
Little Sarah Jane ran away from home
Fourteen and pregnant, she was all alone
Couldn't run from wrong and was going to be sent away
Walking with her friends blackened her blue eyes full of tears
The burden that she carries much too old for her years
Looking at her face would confirm your worst fears
But instead she goes unnoticed
Sarah Jane another girl who is dying inside
You'd think that someone would stop but we hide
Too intent on completing our day, and she's left there to say
He's left to watch the world from the fifteenth floor
Alone with the reminder, "Don't go out anymore
You know those boys are trouble here in our neighborhood
But you're my boy and you've got the chance to be something good"
Still the call of the streets was too much to ignore
Now he's caught up in the game and can't find an open door
He's a good boy gone bad and he's trying to get out
But everybody's too afraid to hear what he's talking about
Marcus Brown, lives a life much too old for his age
If no one responds he'll be words on a page
Another statistic cause no calls were made
To check on the boy who was missing from the fifth grade
Everywhere you turn there's hurting people passing by
It's such a shame that we could change a life but we don't try
To look outside our world and delve
Into the problems in this place
The children need an answer, and God needs your face
Rap by Lisa Kimmey Bragg:
Well I really want to know if you're feeling me
The situation is real to me
Rap by Bonafide:
You got me feelin' you under my skin
Like Stevie got me wandering blind again and again
Rap by Lisa Kimmey Bragg:
Do you really have a heart for the least of these
And understand that we really need to teach to these
Or keep living in a world where death is a fact
Little kids asking, "Why my daddy got to die like that"
Don't want to send my kids to school when they feel they got
To pack heat to survive the walk in the streets
Where young women aren't alive because they still believe the
Lies and never recognize who God made them inside
God help us if we don't help them find their way
God help us if we don't change our living today
God help us if we hide in our corner and ignore the cries of the
Street, do you hear what they say
God please help them make it through the thunder and the rain
God please send somebody to ease the pain
You know they need a way up out the game
I know You hear her God, her name is Sarah Jane