Far away in the east God planted a seed
That grew to a tree
It's a divine story about the King of Glory
From Abraham to the Lamb
It's an adoption story
How you and I could be
One big family
Like the stars in the sky
Like the sand in the sea
Sisters and brothers
Joined to the family tree
The root of Jesse, Yeshua can set you free
If you just believe
Come join me
And together we will be
One big family
All God's children say, "Amen"
If you believe come join me
All God's children say, "Amen"
Grafted into one family tree
All God's children say, "Amen"
If you believe in the King
All God's children say, "Amen"
Who gave His life up on the tree
All God's children say, "Amen"
All God's children say, "Amen"
Mishpocha G'dola
All God's children say, "Amen"