I think you need me now.
Im from chapter to chapter.
Ill never let go.
I have an appetite.
Follow the rules of life.
Never the same thing twice.
Admire the scenery.
Its where I left it last.
This room now has a view.
Its nearly night at last.
The ceiling seal of ice.
The walls and windows have your eyes.
Almost a honeymoon.
I feel clean inside.
This body beautiful
I think you need me now.
Im from chapter to chapter.
I never let go.
I had this appetite.
Follow these rules of life.
Never the same thing twice.
Admire the scenery.
Its where I left it last.
This room now has a view.
Its nearly night at last.
The ceiling seal of ice.
The walls and windows have your eyes.
Almost a honeymoon.
I feel clean inside.
Im safe inside this body, body beautiful.
This body beautiful.
Body beautiful