You been laying with my enemies
You been looking for my sympathy
Caught a corner it’s getting deep
I ain’t got what you say you need
You’re the loudest in the function
Whose gonna mess with me tonight
I can’t hold you till the morning
I can’t give you what you want
I can’t give you what you want
'Cause I don’t have it
Be soon in Shanghai willin'
Give it up give it up
Ain’t nobody worth all problems
Ain’t shit between us you can’t stay till the morning
You can’t get a dollar from me stop pocket watching
Now I might go ghost
Before she make toast
This ain’t what I want
And I feel it
Why am I supposed to know what you want
Yo we ain’t that close
I'm leaving 'cause
You’re the loudest in the function
Whose gonna mess with me tonight
I can’t hold you till the morning
I can’t give you what you want
I can’t give you what you want
'Cause I don’t have it