- 1
Hot Mulligan - Please Don't Cry, You Have Swag
- 2
Hot Mulligan - End Eric Sparrow and the Life of Him
- 3
Hot Mulligan - How do You Know It's Not Armadillo Shells?
- 4
Hot Mulligan - SPS
- 5
Hot Mulligan - Equip Sunglasses
- 6
Hot Mulligan - I Replied To Tyler With Three Blue Cars
- 7
Hot Mulligan - Feal Like Crab
- 8
Hot Mulligan - Fly Move (The Whole Time)
- 9
Hot Mulligan - Green Squirrel in Pretty Bad Shape
- 10
Hot Mulligan - Pop Shuvit (Hall Of Meat, Duh)
- 11
Hot Mulligan - Stickers of Brian
- 12
Hot Mulligan - BCKYRD
- 13
Hot Mulligan - Betty
- 14
Hot Mulligan - Featuring Mark Hoppus
- 15
Hot Mulligan - Heem Wasn’t There
- 16
Hot Mulligan - I Fell In Love With Princess Peach
- 17
Hot Mulligan - If You Had Spun Out In Your Oldsmobile, This Probably Wouldn't Have Happened
- 18
Hot Mulligan - No Shoes In The Coffee Shop (Or Socks)
- 19
Hot Mulligan - OG Blue Sky
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Hot Mulligan - Shaylee, Shanel
- 21
Hot Mulligan - Shhhh! Golf Is On
- 22
Hot Mulligan - Shouldn’t Have a Leg Hole But I do
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Hot Mulligan - Smahccked My Head Awf
- 24
Hot Mulligan - The Song Formerly Known As Intro
- 25
Hot Mulligan - The Soundtrack To Missing a Slam Dunk
- 26
Hot Mulligan - All You Wanted By Michelle Branch
- 27
Hot Mulligan - Analog Fade (New Bule Sky)
- 28
Hot Mulligan - And I Smoke
- 29
Hot Mulligan - Christ Alive My Toe Dammit Hurts
- 30
Hot Mulligan - Cock Party 2 (Better Than The First)
- 31
Hot Mulligan - Dary
- 32
Hot Mulligan - Deluxe Capacitor
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Hot Mulligan - Digging In
- 34
Hot Mulligan - Dirty Office Bongos
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Hot Mulligan - Drink Milk And Run
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Hot Mulligan - Gans Media Retro Games
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Hot Mulligan - Good Ol' Mr. Rags
- 38
Hot Mulligan - I Hate The Gooey Disk
- 39
Hot Mulligan - I Played Tony Hawk's Ride Once, And It Sucked
- 40
Hot Mulligan - I'm Tuning To O-Positive
- 41
Hot Mulligan - It's a Family Movie She Hates Her Dad
- 42
Hot Mulligan - Jimmy Neutron Had A Dog, So Why Can't I Have A Friend?
- 43
Hot Mulligan - John The Rock Cena, Can You Smell What The Undertaker
- 44
Hot Mulligan - Legen
- 45
Hot Mulligan - Losing Days
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Hot Mulligan - M.O.M.
- 47
Hot Mulligan - One For The Boy
- 48
Hot Mulligan - Pluto Was Never Really a Planet Either Even
- 49
Hot Mulligan - Scream Mountain
- 50
Hot Mulligan - Something About a Bunch Of Dead Dogs
- 51
Hot Mulligan - The Hammer Guy Is At It Again
- 52
Hot Mulligan - There Was a Semi Fight On I-69
- 53
Hot Mulligan - This Song Is Called It's Called What's It Called
- 54
Hot Mulligan - Visited salmon, I mean transity balcony
- 55
Hot Mulligan - Wait For It
- 56
Hot Mulligan - We're Gonna Make it To Kilby!
- 57
Hot Mulligan - Wes Dault Can't Find The Madison Falcon
- 58
Hot Mulligan - Whispers Thank You
Pop Shuvit (Hall Of Meat, Duh)
Hot Mulligan
Feel the acid climb into your throat, you've
Wasted the past week it felt like hours
Coasting and losing a half year
Knuckle to your teeth to kill the feeling
Sweating in your sleep, stomach's reeling
Hoping the world ends and breaks apart
Time stops, we die then we're better for it
Clock starts twisting, crooked arms
The schedule's always empty
So break down 'cause there's nothing underneath
There's no one trying to compete for free
It's gone it's gone
You wanted more but all that's left is less
So call it quits
Stay awake at night
The light can only hurt your tired eyes
You're putting off the
Work that you can't leave or all is lost
Deep breaths and sleep turn to wasted time
Burning in your head
You're only here to feed and walk your pet
Your stomach's empty
Faking your smile on a phone call
Practice so nothing can look wrong
Pointed questions, same form no I've not been eating
So break down 'cause there's nothing underneath
There's no one trying to compete for free
It's gone it's gone
You wanted more but all that's left is less
So call it quits
So break down 'cause there's nothing underneath
There's no one trying to compete for free
It's gone it's gone
You wanted more but all that's left is less
So call it quits
So break down, feel the weather in our knees
No we'll never feel at peace for free, it's gone it's gone
You wanted more but all that's left is less
So call it quits
'Cause there's nothing underneath
There's no one trying to compete
You wanted more but all that's left is less
And nothing helps